The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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TPBM keeps their ripped jeans.. because they have style Parasuco can only dream of :D
True, s'been two weeks

TPBM can feel a great storm brewing
True - in general

TPBM is reaching for the :bong1:
True - Big Brother, Bachellor, Survivor, American Idol

TPBM is watching a movie
FALSE, sugar spoils honey last forever

TPBM needs a beer and a friendly house to sleep in
True. Luckily mine has all that. :D

TPBM is almost ready for that bong hit.
True - just finished, but why not...

TPBM will say when and we will all spark up together
True Navy but I only fnacy hydro

TPBM needs some time to think
True, hoepfuly you coudlnt crack the code

TPBM has a heavy head that wont fall asleep
False, when the head gets heavy it's lights out.

TPBM likes old Sci-Fi movies.
False, I like comedy / action / thriller / Disney lol

TPBM is wishing they had a bunch of nachos with lots of chesse ... :p

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