Milo, what about us West Coast Ladies?
Painter, I think your talking bout a Cat Scan. Angiogram does have some dye, but IF I remember correctly (memory goes first) the doc will make a insision at my groin, getting to the (femeral?) artery there, then putting a cathater up to my heart thru that artery and then shoot some dye in there....I remember a screen near the bed that showed an xray type picture of my heart. I think that is a angiogram. The WORST part of this procedure is the ten/four? pound bag of sand they put on the original insision to close it up, this bag has to be on there like four hours, this being very uncomfortable and more painful than after the actual chest being cut open. Last time they saw an absess in my heart, this time they should see the heartwall patch and mecanical valve. That way the doc should be ready and know exactly what he is gonna replace. I sure love modern technology. Also, I hold out hope that all is well in there and I can pack up after and head home ( wishful thinking prolly, but hope is still there for me ). Baring that, the surgery will be the next morning.