The Female Growers Group

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Hick, you gonna neg rep me for using the word MAN as a swear word? Your the law round these parts..... or..... cite me for breaking the "US Code of Complaint"? I almost deleted that swearing thread...but dang...didnt. I hate it when I break the rules..... rules, I mean.

take pictures and sue him!!!!!! call the cops..get a restraining order let him know u mean business...

I agree. In most states you can NOT be put out of your residence with out due process. Due Process means that he has to do it by the "book" not the way he put you out. Judge Judy would thro the proverbial BOOK at him in your case, then rule in your favor.
im sorry hick.. and yes i pay the bills he is gone he was freakin about bein online talkin about this and how ive never done anything wrong im going str8 to a elon so he is now yesterdays news we are done ...... i serious thought he was it and he got jelious over a website and a hobbie...... daddy tought his little girl to depend on no one but me... you guys rock thanks for letn me vent and also i think 2 are save and six more germinatn now..... i know spelling my hans are sore and im stoned love ya
tcbud said:
Hick, you gonna neg rep me for using the word MAN as a swear word? Your the law round these parts..... or..... cite me for breaking the "US Code of Complaint"? I almost deleted that swearing thread...but dang...didnt. I hate it when I break the rules..... rules, I mean.

....:eek:..NOPE..NOPE..NOPE! ..I'm just thinking I don't want on "your" list tc'...;)
Just want y'all to know I am not having fun. Between cooking for one of my dogs who has a kidney issues and wiping each leaf with alcohol and kill any left over spider mites. I hope I don't mix up the two and give my plants tapioca and my dogs alcohol.

How are you ladies?
very good here rosebud....are you using the high percentage alcohol the 91%? thats what I used. good for you keeping up with the mites my friend who I give plants to has them and he just wont put the time in to kill them...and he keeps getting them..then he thought they were coming from me but my room is clean I dont know how he gets them..I think its his pre made dirt...been around forever full of who knows what...
I feel like I have to keep up on them, I don't want to smoke spider mites (again) I started the flowering lights yesterday. The sativa is 3 feet tall and the indica/sativa is only 22 inches. I haven't grown the G13's before. I am growing for another patient. I like the more up highs but she needs the heavy stuff. The sativa is train wreck and I loved last grow. They haven't been affected yet by the mites, which is interesting as they are all squished together. The g13s came looking kinda sick and i was told it was neem oil problem, so those clones may have come with the mites. They look great right now, just didn't know how much more they would grow during flowering. Do you have a guess?
depends a true indica wont grow much more other plants can grow 2/3 bigger...
So 2 dog, does that mean that indica's don't produce as much as setivas?
I am sorry I am always asking questions.
my indicas have produced more than my a much smaller space they weigh a lot and are denser...
My freebie from Attitude (or was it Nirvana?I forget!) was a California Hash Plant. THis thing has stretch like I have never seen. It's in with all the others under the same lights, but it's like a fricken jack in the beanstalk plant. The space between the nodes is something like 2 inches! Anyone have any idea why this is happening?

Px #1 is the CHP and px #2 is the Aurora Indica, for contrast.

Any thoughts to share?


I know nothing, but I think it looks like a sativa I grow. Very different from the indiac. Isn't it interesting how different they are?
Hi Rosebud! Thanks for the input. Actually the California Hash Plant is said to be a pure Indica. The leaves are somewhat broad, but nothing like the Wizards, the Aurora Indicas or the Hawaiian. I'm just wondering if I perhaps got a seed that wasn't a CHP. No biggie, looks like it may be growing balls, and I'll know for sure tomorrow, but I'm just curious because it's so different from all the others, and from any I've ever grown.

I'm suspicious that it isn't really a California Hash Plant. I was kind of hoping I could cross it with one of the Aurora Indicas, but now, I don't want to mess with that.

I have only grown ONE sativa, but even that one had very little space between nodes. It was taller, yes, and the leaves were thinner, but it didn't have lonnnnnng spaces between the nodes like this one does.Verrrry Curious!

Hey, Rosebud, I haven't been around much this past month due to visitors and commitments, but wanted to say it's nice to meet you!!!!
my cheeses did that too mm...I figure some plants just need more intense light than others and stretch more? or it is just in its dna..
Green Mojo for all the lovely ladies of the FGG Ozzy :heart::heart::heart: each and everyone of you

P-dude and multi too even hick as long as he not around:p
Thanks Ozzy! We all need that, at least I do.

It is nice to meet you too, MM. I am going to go measure the space tween nodes.

(just measured) It is a good inch between mine, one is a little over an inch.
My two types have been under the same lights and there is a foot difference. Fascinating.
Mojavemama--Some strains just stretch more than others--sometimes there is just nothing you can do about it. I wouldn't stress--both plants look great. The broad leaves tell us that both are Indica.

Rosebud--just be thankful that all you have to do is cook special meals for your little dog--I have to give one of mine twice daily insulin shots. Keep working on those spider mites--your diligence will pay off. LOL--while I don't like the thought of smoking spider mites either, you would be horrified to know just how much really icky stuff we ingest and/or inhale in our lifetimes :eek:.
I may never eat salad again. I know what you say is true. Those eggs on the bottom of the leaves that you can't see till you use a lupe and then you see these perfectly round translucent pearls.

I am sorry your dog has diabetes. That must be hard. Does she/he hate it? I have the big poodles 80 pounds and one has had medicine all her life. It makes you even closer I think. She doesn't mind taking her medicine, but I bet the shots hurt. Your a good mom sounds like.

Happy weekend everyone.
THG I know all to well the pains of having you give a dog insulin shots twice a day. I had a Jack Russell Terrier that I had to give 10 units twice a day for 5 yrs. He wouldn't let me forget his shot either. After him I said I would not get another dog but along came Rascal and here I go again training a new dog.

Rosebud don't look at any food under a microscope or you might not eat again
You Go Girls!!! That' my 2ct.worth. A smile is the happiest face where ever you may go. Green blessings to all you Female Growers. Peace out

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