The Female Growers Group

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awww so sweet....I swear I clean my grow room more than my own room lol...I need to go check the laundry...bla bla bla...
SO what's new ladies? No action in two days here in the FGG....
I scored a big fat zero on the auto germination. Tears were shed and I've reevaluated all and put 5 more WW seeds and 4 short stuff autos into rapid rooters. Fingers crossed. I never ever give up on anything I want to succeed at.
Hope all are well and happy.
sorry to hear OHC...I have my figers and all my toes crossed for you...rapid rooters...under a dome yes?
4u2sm0ke said:
sorry to hear OHC...I have my figers and all my toes crossed for you...rapid rooters...under a dome yes?
yes and yes - temps in high 80s.. thanks for the finger and toe action. a picture of your toes crossed, love to see it done my friend

Old Hippie Chick....where in the hell do you live? Temps in the 80's, I am soooooooooo jealous, it was 37 hear this AM on the Oregon Southern Coast
painterdude said:
Old Hippie Chick....where in the hell do you live? Temps in the 80's, I am soooooooooo jealous, it was 37 hear this AM on the Oregon Southern Coast
Temps Under the Dome are high 80s.
It's high 60s and sunny outside here today ;) .
I do like your area - have a friend in Eugene... she loves the outdoor lifestyle and is big into cycling, fishing and what she calls forageing(sp?).
OldHippieChick ........thanks for the finger and toe action.[/quote said:



your welcome.....i think:giggle:
OHC that may be a bit hot for the babies...that could be an issue.
yeah but 4u 80 is way different than 88....and the little ones cant take as much heat as the biggies...mine germ in the 70'ssometimes 60's just takes a bit longer...dark place wrapped in paper towels..They always pop..
OHC, Ohhhh NOoooooo on the autos not germinating yet. Hope that changes soon and you find little shoots coming out to greet you tomorrow morning.

I'm crossing my fingers and my EYES for you! (I'll leave it to 4U to do the toe crossing. Besides, toe crossing is not nearly as effective as eye crossing. <G>)

Picked up a couple 4 ft dual T5 ballasts tonight, but now have to order HO bulbs. Any suggestions of where they are online at a good price?
hmm I know they sell flor bulbs at walmart just not sure what type...I honestly dont know what mine are called..:stoned: :huh: :confused2: :doh:
my atuos germed so aggressively that after 2 days they had grown into the paper towels and had to be torn out I wonder if they sent u old seeds....
mojavemama said:
Picked up a couple 4 ft dual T5 ballasts tonight, but now have to order HO bulbs. Any suggestions of where they are online at a good price?

Purchae at Home depot they have some great for groing...I use those in my cloneing area..can be found there online as well..
2Dog said:
OHC that may be a bit hot for the babies...that could be an issue.
ya think? OK I just put a towel between the heat pad and the tray to see if that will move the temps slightly down. It's on low now. What do you think the temp should be ? I think the reading is higher because the digital theromometer is laying flat in the grow tray/dome cause the dome's not tall enough for it to stand up in - and I think the heat sensor is on the back :confused: ...2/5 WWs sprouted this evening... no auto action - maybe in the AM....

Mama, thanks!- cross those fingers - cross those eyes for me - cross that river - whatever you got :eek: . Congrats on the T-5s
2dog - cross your cross-your-heart or wherever it is you're hiding your stash.
You know if I were a woman with a few grows under my belt I'd have an opinion about the seed age.... but for now - I have to just assume I suck at germinating... I've crossed my I's and dotted my T's and I just have to plug along till I get it. Got a few more seeds so I'm gona get something going but I sure wanted that first grow to be the autos for a quick return. Where did you get your autos 2dog?

Thanks for the luv people.
OHC :peace:
got mine from attitude...lowryders...there is a picture of it just entered in BPOTM
I think 70's are ideal personally. but if u keep em wet they should sprout soon. unless they are bunk now dont put cold or hot water on em use room temp..same with clones I never use real cold water on em..
4U wrote: "Purchae at Home depot they have some great for groing...I use those in my cloneing area..can be found there online as well.."

4U, that's where I got the ballasts, Home DePOT. They just don't have HO tubes. When I asked about special ordering, the associate told me its risky, because they often come in broken, and that I'd be better off just going to a lighting store.

So, I was just wondering what favorite online bulb places members might suggest.

OHC, Low is good setting for heating pad. Be sure there is something between the plastic cover of the pad and your paper towels. Even on low it can sometimes get just a bit too hot if there isn't a bit of buffer.

2Dog(5 Dog in drag)--good point on temp of water! Also, you said you didn't know what your T5's were called--do you mean you don't know if they are regular T5 bulbs or HO T5 bulbs? One more Q.....(tell me to shut up anytime....), are you using the same bulbs for the autos as for regular, that is the 6500K's for vegging and the warm, red spectrum 2700's for flower? Or do you use one or the other or both all the way through? I know with autos you usually only veg, what, about 2 weeks? Then they go into flower?

Ozzy and 4U--your advice on the over-concentrated nutes and flushing was on target. Plants are perking up nicely. THANK YOU!

P'Dude, so glad to hear your wife got such good results from the Doc. Thumbs up, dude. What a relief, huh? Still lovin' those quirky-wonderful pictures!

TC, when do you start your auto grow? December? I'm really, REALLY excited about the the Jones bad.
2Dog...Your right about to Hot for Germ..I dont normally germ this way But have been playing around with it. and If they get to hot they there:hitchair:..I sugested to OHC what I do is paper towel in baggie and I us my wireless modem and place a hand towel over it then the baggie and another hand towel over and the next day its warm and Humidity in baggie with a couple popped..Im doing some Purple frosting right now,and soaking the peat pelets they will go in....Nice BPOTM too..

OHC.. yes Put some more towels between will lower the temps t you babies:aok: oh and my legs are crossed...but i think its cuzz i need a wee:giggle:

mojave about a pet store..I think they have some grow light of some sort..Ill go look tomarrow a petco..:aok: N wait io baught mine at Lowes thats right...wish I still had the package..:doh: have ya checked there?

UKgirl/melissa :heart: your My insperation..kiss..kiss
4U, It's a hoot to see your lightbulbs pop on! I'll for sure check Lowe's tomorrow. But first, I'll just let my cursor do the walkin'. Lowe's has a website and you can order something to be picked up at a local store.

Yeah, true dat on Pet Supply stores being good for the UV bulbs. But ouch----the are like, mega-pricey in retail pet supply outlets.

So pricey that I buy my indoor aquatic turtle bulbs online now. I just thought there might be a certain bulb place online that ppl using T5's knew to be reliable, economical and fast.

THX for the input!!!

2 tokes of indica hash crumbled into white widow and 2 TBS green dragon. Oh, my..... and i'm outta here. Gotta roll to the bedroom. My chances of making it are not quite as good as 4U's......'

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