The Female Growers Group

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HoppyFrog420 said:
:ciao: Thanks!! It's nice to be apart of something as a female, and enjoy the company of you guys too!



I love this site! Have made a couple of faux pas while here, but so far no one has asked me to leave. i think you loose some of the thread of communication with just the written and no body language, i guess i'm pretty visual. Also i haven't figured out all the bells and whistles on this board.

Woman, Mom, Wife, Registered Nurse, Artistic type, Handy. I grow in dirt. Love that stuff, good dirt smells soooo good. From clone, from seed, from my crossed seeds, 12/12 from seed and LST'ed. I keep a few certain plants that seem to favor cetain methods, so many types of grows going at once is my norm.
Hi de ho Female Growers.

Sounds like you got lots going on there Skunk...
and you too Hoppy, haveing fun in the BHC?

Smokem up, if you got em.
Good evening all.
painterdude said:
....hi Skunk.....where ya from?

The top of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, with all those darned Vampires and Werewolves... and a lot of visiting Twilight freaks. Roads were packed today when i went to town.
ah...the joys of tourism....

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen....mostly good morning ladies tho....
so Skunk, been there back in the 1990's, took the ferry's over to the big island and then over to Vancouver, BC.....saw allot of archeology and museums....great trip......tried to navigate on the reservation on the west coast but immediately got lost due to no maps or road signs.....even got to see the glaciers....and a racoon raided our camps site....great memories
The Hemp Goddess said:
LOL--I look in septic tanks a lot :eek:--if you had a big bad toilet paper monster attached to the lid of your septic tank, something was wrong, your "water" level should never be that high. You should also be able to put TP into a properly operating septic system with no problems.

OK! So nobody has heard from me for a while, because we had a sewage overflow here at th RV park where I live. Unfortunately I am at the low end of the park and the crap came up all over under my trailer and in my yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It also came back up my sewer hose and into my shower & sink tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD !!!
This was for a total of 3 days! They sayed their pump on the septic tank burnt up & of course the cheap place didn't want to fix it. We have been cleaning it up for 2 days now and it is starting to smell better at least! I had to threaten to call the health department to get them to do something! PEOPLE!!!!!!! :**:
I had a lot of stuff in bins under my trailer, of course it was all sitting in fecal matter!!!:hitchair: Well enough ranting, gonna go hit the bong!

Have a great day! :)

SEWAGE 1.jpg
tcbud said:
tcbud misses the thank you button....

What happened to the Thanks button? Why did they take it out?
What did I miss? I know they closed the BHC then re-opened it.
Fill me in with the updated news please.
White Owl said:
What happened to the Thanks button? Why did they take it out?
What did I miss? I know they closed the BHC then re-opened it.
Fill me in with the updated news please.
the server was going really slow so they took out some features and now it is running fast!
WHITE OWL......YUKIE POO.....what a mess......haven't experienced that much sewage since I dug up my cesspool back in the middle 1990's....wife was scooping all the liquid out and putting it on her flowers....sorry about your belongings underneath the trailer....maybe they have some kind of insurance company that would cover their screw ups?:holysheep:...pee-dude
tcbud said:
ah...the joys of tourism....

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen....mostly good morning ladies tho....

I resent that:rolleyes: Good morning:p
How many times did you re-send that 4u?

Okay, how is this.....

Good Morning All you Female Growers? That has got to cover all sexes.....mmmmm I said sex.

White Owl, I would be making a list of Damages for the Trailer Parks Insurance Company to be looking over. I cant imagine a Trailer Park that dosent have good Liablity Insurance. I would be making a nice log of the event too...a daily log. You pay them, they provide a service, if they mess up, it is on them. The shite that is should be on them, not you.
OMG You All. This place is just as much of a POOP hole as the POOP coming out of the hole!!! They are doing nothing about any kind of compensation nor do they have any kind of liability! They don't offer any of that here. Shoot we only pay 450 that includes all utilities. So if I want to grow with lights fior free LOL We just deal with it when the POOP hits the fan around here! Thank GOD I had enough sense to put my stuff in those rubbermaid bins it is all washable & my stuff is clean inside. Hey I should do a commercial for the Rubbermaid people. LOL Oh yeah don't forget the space bags inside the rubbermaid bins huh how about that!?
When life craps on us we just smile and carry on! Glad to see some support! BBQ at my house!
I did notice that the server was fast but we also got high speed recently so I thought it was that. Happy Growing!~
White Owl....I have stayed in a bunch of RV parks, and some of them were "mobil home" parks. Some were dumps...some nice. All ran about 400 to 450, some with, some without utilities included. I expected ALL of them to have liablitiy insurance. As a matter of fact..just this summer we were in one that had a huge tree limb fall on a fifth wheel trailer, those folks got a brand new trailer and the woman that was injured, she had all her medical paid, and a compensation for suffering is pending. I am glad you did not have any damages to sue them over, yet. What are you gonna do when you come down with some sewage related desease? Did you sign something when you moved in to hold them harmless from any law suits resulting in their negligence? Sure seems like they would at least clean the place up. All that raw sewage ...yuk, I would think the County Health Department would get involved. I am pretty sure raw sewage is not something you want to be stepping in or over. Good luck to you....I hope it gets cleaned up before the rains come, and what is left on the ground rolls down hill toward you.

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