The Duck's Nest Fall '09

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Hi there Ishnish:ciao: Thanks for stopping by.

Irish said:
can't wait to see her grow

Me neither, but with my luck I should have known that we would get the warmest weather of the summer after I switched to my DWC:(

Got some major wilt going and lost 1 already, but I will keep pluggin along.
That sucks pc...hope you don't lose any of the others...
Me too HL

I do have extra Bubba, AI and Blueberry clones but not the Durban Poison.:(
looks good duck...I too am allways scared this time..My temps go up outside and my shed feels it..I think i only have a few more days that may reach 80..More MOJO for the Grow.



current gro 12/12 day 28

Looking good edsr...but you shld really start your own journal...this one is pcducks...not really cool to just pop in with pics of your grow...just click start thread and start a GJ...
sorry didnt know the guidelines will start a new thread
Pulling up my milk crate..gonna stay and watch this unfold. Excellent Fall Grow....Great Set Up.
Thanks for stopping in edsr, umbra, tcbud, and ishnish.

I guess I should do an update: Not much is happening, they went through some major shock when I transplanted them. Turned all yellow and stuff but I have found that if you leave well enough alone they will come back and they have.:)
Biggest problem I think is we are having the warmest and most extended temps of the whole summer right now after a cool summer all year and my rez temps are a bit warm.

Might switch one out b/c it is doing so bad but the rest are doing ok

any updates duck? i'll look at it as, no news is good news then bro.;) .

we knew it would warm back up after that bit of nasty weather we had. but it sure has'nt been much for a summer at all. now , nearing the end of it, and it wants to act like the beginning.:confused2: ...

you can freeze bottles of water , and add to your buckets to bring the temps of the rez down, i believe you know this though. i'm looking aroung at smaller types of things that i can freeze. need to get a crap load of them gel freeze packs. any other ideas duck?...

putting some clones straight into 12/12 over here today, and changing out my dwc rez. got KULT in dwc. 3 at different ppms as a test to see just how durable this thing is.;) :hubba: .

so far, it has handled everything i've throwed at it. amazing girl she is...

take care my friend...
Nice looking set up you got there. I will be watching this to see how it turns out. Sorry if you have already tried this but I figured I would toss it out there. It worked well for me. You said that you painted the tops white for reflecting, Homedepot has some really nice insulation made of bubble wrap with a reflective side its called reflectix. Its pretty cheap and if nothing else atleast you get the joy of popping the bubbles. LOL I just cut it to the size of my tub and put slits in it to slide it onto the stem. Seems like my res temp dropped alittle after I started using it also. Good luck with the grow. I cant wait to see it turn out.
nice start.. there duck.. I cant wait til the kids move out so I can take the back room over for new indoor growing.. I've always had bad luck with spider mites indoors.. so we shall see... I'll be watching.. keep it growin GREEN!
Thanks for swing by everyone and all the green mojo. I think I may need it and then some the way this grow is going. Lost 2 spacecase seedlings:hitchair: and got a case of Slimy roots. Just got done giving the offending buckets a H2O2 bath, that along with cooler temps I hope i can get them turned around. We have been getting weather that we should have had June 1st, our Summer is finally showing up in mid September. I do not know what happen to the Spacecases they were growing fine then one day they keeled over never to rise again. That really bummed me out since I have heard such good things about them:(...Sorry for the garden looking like crap but I am hoping to get that green going again with these cooler temps....:ciao: pcduck

what are you checking your ph with Duck? what are you using to balance the ph? brand?

looks like your ph is off.

i got a problem with one bucket over here. my ph is swinging like mad. new growth each day, but ph will be 5.8 at night, then 3.6 next morning??? can't figure this one out. gonna change them all out again today...

another tip. get some black tubing. i was using the clear, and found slime frequently. i got mine at walmart cheap for a big roll...

sorry to hear of the loss of the spacecase...aarrgghhhh...
my local temps have been somethin fierce too lately duck. kinda crazy to be in hi 80's low 90's yet this time year up here. and its just muggy as all hek too. its been one strange year wether wise here.

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