The chef, his bubba and a mindbender!

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Me and you 2dog always seem to plant around the same time......great minds....!!!!
Howdy chef! I wanted to try that KC strain. I will be watching. You never know what you are gonna get with KC's beans. Heroes and zeroes, lol But it is fun anyway, right?
Thats right brother! It doesnt matter if i get males...pollen collection, breeding!! Saw the other mango strain but this one intrigued me.
Ok got some pics of the nubbins! The bubba is already sprouting leaves these are the first three pics. Had a problem with two of the mindbenders but it's a prob i've had before. The tap root seemed to die on the end but had life still in the main stem itself. Dipped one side in some root one i poured in the cap and replanted. Had a auto that did this i managed to save her...we'll see! Last two are of the mindbender, the last one is one of the fussy little girls. The other wasn't woth pics as of yet......she's being punished.





bad news good news! Lost 2 bubba and 1 mindbender, tap burned up. No real biggie, put last 2 bubba sees to germ along with a ceres seed orange. The survivors pictured are the two minbenders and the last is the bubba.





I only got 1 out 5 bubbas to grow, 2 of them germinated, but only one grew. Not really happy with that, plus alot of bad rep, on other boards, people saying its not real bubba, just a sweet strain and a kush cross. I guess the real bubba in comparison to ghs co. version is way different.

2 years ago (first and the last time we grew) we did the indica mix pack
5 strains, 2 seeds each, total of 10 seeds
we were able to get 9 female plants out of 10 seeds
The lemon skunk, which according to the numbers was the lowest thc,
but it was the best damn grass I ever had
Appreciate the info! Gonna hope fer the best but one thing ya never know about ol cheffy........its that ya never know about ol cheffy!
The 3 that made it look real healthy. When they die young I look at it as thinning the heard anyway.:D
Sorry I am late chef...gonna pull up a chair over here next to the brownies...:)
Come on down swampbud! traffic it's the wonder of nature!
Alrighty then! Found out something about germing the bubbas. Thier tap root is sensitive! You need a solid long tap root if you expect to continue on! Both bubba's and the orange popped. Put them in mediums to see how they will do. As fer the first ones........



Burnt up the tap root on both bubbas and the orange. Lesson: Make sure the tap root is atleast a half inch long before putting in the veg tent! Gonna look through the ol bean bank and try three more!
Well after much deliberation i decided to go with sharksbreath and gigabud! Costly little lesson but i learned!

hey chef both of them are on my short list the sharksbreath looks pukka il be sat here watching:)
Ok just a marker note: Both the SB and the GB popped! Put them in soil with a 1/4 inch taproot. These will be the last till i get things set up back home!
I am excited about the kcbrains mindbender chef :) I have been considering ordering their mango again. A few years back I had some of their mango going and every single one hermied on me big time. I am still not 100% convinced that the seeds I ordered were the seeds I got though. I am confident with Attitude, so I may send out for some.

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