Asking for advice on ducting. Does this sound like correct way to do this.
8" fan to 8" - 10" reducer - 10" ducting into bottom of tent - to 10" duct T - then using the ducting and elbows around 3x3 flood tray back to Ducting T. Putting LOTS of holes around ducting to shoot air in different directions.
8" fan on floor to 8" - 6" reducer - elbow up to light intake port - elbow - ducting into tent - plasma - other plasma- point exhaust to opposite side tent of exhaust filter.
8" carbon filter - 8"/10" reducer - 10" ducting out of tent - elbow down - ducting - elbow on floor - 10" fan.
I've already got T, reducers and elbows. All fans have speed controllers Matched to fans.
Does this sound like a good lay out?
Would like advice on what ducting to use.
Level of light proofing, sound (if ducting types helps or hurts), air flow and price are important to me. I don't want fiber glass or ducting with lots of pin holes for light leaks as last ducting I used had.