so whos the mayor of this here tent city?

never wandered into tent city before. but actually have a tent situation im hopin I could get some input from some ya tent dwellers....
AGROMAX 4x4-- any other users of htg's agromax? I got one while back just never used it. set it up and was disgusted by how lame and primitive tents were . but thas jus my own opinion. I but I have also never seen a tent in person ever, nor have I grown in one either. just form what im used to (building my own cabs etc form good ol solid wood and) I guess I was just expection something a lil better for price tag. im jus sayin i coulda built a pretty wicked set up fro under 200$ and things would be exactly how need and want them to be.
anyways... i set it up put it back in box and dug back out again and this thing still gots this atrocious smell to it. when i initially ddi the first setup to see tent the first time, it had same smell and i let it set up unzipped doors etc and left like that in an empty room for over a month to see if smell would leave and never did.
honest to god tho and this is sno lie, anytime id go into that room whiel it was setup and spent any amount of time in there doin wat ever it is i was doin after few minutes my vision would get blurry and id start to cough and nose water etc...
soon as i boxed it back up and put away somewhere i never ahd reaction again in the same room so i know it was the tent.
im sure these things give off some sorta odor at first due to manufacturing etc. but i think mines a lil ridiculous tbh. or maybe im just sensitive to some glue or material they used on it more than most people are. idk..
i also already did a return replacement on it over year back and was told if wanted to return for money back after second oen was stinky too that id be hit wit restockin fee and pay my own shippin to send back so i said to hell wit HTG and just stuck it in storage til recently.
but only it still makes me react to the smell of it.
so im curious is this normal or wat? am i possible just one the unlucky growers who might be allergic to some component in grow tent ? or is there some trick to get rid the smell.?
or worst yet, could it be possible its the whoel dreaded plant killing opffgassing thing? LOL. idk either way the thinsg pretty much worthless and will stay in a box forever unless i can fix n solve issue if able to. just don't wanan be havin to setup and fold back down and repackagae it over an over tryin to figure how to resolve things, and ruining it in process either.