Dear members of The Tent Growers Club,
I noticed there was not alot of activity for the last few hours, so I've decided to leave a short note to you all.
The Tent Growers Club has turned out to be a very valuable information trading source. This is exactly what I had envisioned and I thank All members for their participation.

Fruity86, MindzEye, pcduck, LEFTHAND, North Fork Hermit, The New Girl, cmd420, Bonghits4Jesus, swampbud, wally150, Trafic, NewGrowGuy and chef.
And if I have missed anyone, You know who you are-lol :joint:
I have been quite busy with Area 19's fabulous 8 degree weather-keeping everything going and :angrywife: my seasonal depression, but, when I have the time, I have been stopping in and reading the posts and I am greatly impressed with the informational value that they apparently possess.
And last but not definitely the least, Hammy, You make a fine president. :aok:
So with out further adoo,
I will surf about and say:
Post on and vent those tents!!!!
Oh yeah-Hammy-Can I have #409?
The Famous Phantom-lol
