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Staff member
Nov 7, 2008
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I have always grown outside, in very hot weather, sometimes 90s and above. My plants did very well in those temps. I am now doing my 1st indoor grow. Here is a pic of one@ 8 days. I havent had any problems but I bought a Digital Temp&Hum. thingy, set it in my growbox( small Fridge) and just checked,,, temps at 91, Hum at 34. Is that about normal. I coulda swore I read that temps should be at 80 or below.And of course it didnt make since to me because of my outdoor grows being fine with those temps. They seem to be very healthy.
http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34319 Other pics here

temps are a little high bro.my rh has been being about that too.i just hooked up my humidifer today.brought it up to around 45.the plants look good though bro.i don't know what you are using for lights,but when you get to flower,you will need a HPS system for good results.keep it up bro.
they will grow at 91... thing is , growing inside you are trying to make optimum conditions to get as much bud as possible, i believe 78 is optimum for MJ.. the more optimum your indoor inviroment the better and probally more bud you can harvest....
ive got no experience, but from what ive read on this forum, if ur temps are above 80, you wanna get some co2 in there. you can hook them and ur fans up to a timer so the fans go off when the co2 goes on. i saw a vid on youtube where a guy hooked co2 canisters to a tube, poked holes in the tube, and hung it around his plant. i heard u can also spray soda water onto them.
Well,,I have no doubt they will grow at those temps,,but as you guys have pointed out, the idea of growing inside is to have a controled grow that will give you best harvest and most poison. So,,if 80 is good by all,then 80 is what I will shoot for.
So far I have it down to (hold on let me check),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,temps 83 and the Hum is 23.Is hum a little low?:confused:
IMO.. the biggest difference in growing OD w/ 90+ temps, and ID w/ 90+ temps, is "fresh air".. OD there is ALWAYS a sufficient supply of c02 rich air moving across the leaves, ID it's simply much harder to achieve.
Even then OD plants will not perform to their maximum potential under those temp.
Yes, they grow, yes they do 'well', but IMO, they don't/can't pefrom to their max..;)
ok Cowboy..lets get it down a 5 more degrees...I dont realy go by mu humidity..I make sure my temps are right..and have plenty of fresh air exchange..and air movement..Good luck and let me know if i can be of any help..KEEP M GREEN
Is humidity a problem. Mines at 23 right now,,temps at 81
45 - 50 is comfortable,when vegging a litle higher like 60-70
45 - 50 is comfortable,when vegging a litle higher like 60-70

How the heck am I gonna raise it from 23, to 60 or 70? Id haveta put my growbox under water.

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