T5 lighting hempy buckets

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Raisin Jackson

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey I was hoping for some opinions of using a t5, an 8 bulb four foot system, over hempy buckets, say 16x 2.5 gallon buckets. I've never used t5 for flowering, but was concidering this for a cheap easy low maintenence system that would produce a decent to large yeild, I'd like to say 1lb+. It would be in a crawlspace, so short, 4.5' or so high. I can't run much more than that for wattage, so what ya think? Better than a 400 watt hps? I'd only be able to fit 9 buckets, tops, under that, probably more like 4, so I'm thinking that wouldn't be as good. Is there a better way to run a small but nice yeilding crop in a crawlspace without alot of juice?
Raisin Jackson said:
Hey I was hoping for some opinions of using a t5, an 8 bulb four foot system, over hempy buckets, say 16x 2.5 gallon buckets. I've never used t5 for flowering, but was concidering this for a cheap easy low maintenence system that would produce a decent to large yeild, I'd like to say 1lb+. It would be in a crawlspace, so short, 4.5' or so high. I can't run much more than that for wattage, so what ya think? Better than a 400 watt hps? I'd only be able to fit 9 buckets, tops, under that, probably more like 4, so I'm thinking that wouldn't be as good. Is there a better way to run a small but nice yeilding crop in a crawlspace without alot of juice?

The 400 hps is much better and you can get just as many plants under it, I dont think 16 is going to fit under either.

With your grow area being so short I recommend the T5 but dont expect a pound.
:yeahthat: :goodposting:
My buckets are 9" in diameter. At 5 weeks I can still keep them side by side and expect to til the end, no gap between buckets, and I wouldn't veg for more than 2 weeks or until the roots are in the rez, so I could fit 25 under a 4'x4 light (t5) or 9 under a 400 watt. Am I missing something? I have 16 in a 40x40" space, and all of 325 watts or so of light, mixed led/cfl, and hope for at least a pound. If I was using a 600 I'd be sad with under 2 pounds with the same plants.
I definately appreciate your response and to disagree don't bother me, but I'm just imagining these 8 bulb t5s after seeing 2 and 4 bulb setups shooting alot of good bright light, just seems like they'd be great for buds.
not saying its impossible, but good luck, 1lb from less than 400w of T5 is a little hopeful.

Look into VHO Flouro's if you want something brighter, but want to stay with flouro's, thats the only way you are gonna get closer to your 1lb, still tho, gonna be hard.
Raisin Jackson said:
I have 16 in a 40x40" space, and all of 325 watts or so of light, mixed led/cfl, and hope for at least a pound. If I was using a 600 I'd be sad with under 2 pounds with the same plants.

How many lumens are those 325W of CFLs and LEDs putting out. I am guessing that when you figure this out that you are going to find that you are way underlit for your 40 x 40 space. I anticipate less than 8 ozs.

You had better be prepared to be "sad". Two pounds off a 600W is 1-1/2 g per watt. Even very experienced growers with their grow places dialed in do not get this kind of yield.
thanks for the replys, I'll just do my best, I just want the best 2ndary grow I can get for what I can spend.. I wish I had some input on my 325 watt grow, but I don't, I'll see at the end of december, I got a log, I'd love advice/input. If I used a 600 watt I'd get a pound, or more, at least, period. I'm hoping for a pound with 16 buckets, ones a loss, a runt, but I aim for a pound anyway!! Cuz I'm crazy mad psycho. no way right?, an ounce a plant!!!?? Hempys get a qp under a 1k, easy, so I'm full of it. I know commercial growers want alot more than a gram a watt.. It's a benchmark, a guideline, people do that in soil, organically, under LEDs... I think that I'll just pick a way and see what happens.. Anyone using t5s and hempys??????
Raisin Jackson said:
My buckets are 9" in diameter. At 5 weeks I can still keep them side by side and expect to til the end, no gap between buckets, and I wouldn't veg for more than 2 weeks or until the roots are in the rez, so I could fit 25 under a 4'x4 light (t5) or 9 under a 400 watt.

Ive never seen a 4'x4' T5 , do you have a link to this light?

But 9" side by side doesnt leave much room at all, A sog would work there but the plant are going to be small.

From what ive seen a T5 flowered plants they do ok but the buds look loose and smaller in comparison and I have doubts about the potency vs HID.

I think he is talking about one of those multiple tube panels, probably about 10 or 12 bulbs side by side, but I could be wrong. Incidentally using HO T5s rather than normal T5s nearly double the light output per tube.
DonJones said:

I think he is talking about one of those multiple tube panels, probably about 10 or 12 bulbs side by side, but I could be wrong. Incidentally using HO T5s rather than normal T5s nearly double the light output per tube.

He says 8 bulb 4 foot system. I just put up a 8 bulb T5 in the shop it was the same width as a 4 bulb.
I think it's 4' wide, but yeah, an 8 bulb HO t5. Definately sog style but I will run the first batch with older plants, vegged long enough for adequate clones ( selecting new moms, getting a papa for breeding:holysheep: ). Only be like 14 plants tops.
Raisin Jackson said:
thanks for the replys, I'll just do my best, I just want the best 2ndary grow I can get for what I can spend.. I wish I had some input on my 325 watt grow, but I don't, I'll see at the end of december, I got a log, I'd love advice/input. If I used a 600 watt I'd get a pound, or more, at least, period. I'm hoping for a pound with 16 buckets, ones a loss, a runt, but I aim for a pound anyway!! Cuz I'm crazy mad psycho. no way right?, an ounce a plant!!!?? Hempys get a qp under a 1k, easy, so I'm full of it. I know commercial growers want alot more than a gram a watt.. It's a benchmark, a guideline, people do that in soil, organically, under LEDs... I think that I'll just pick a way and see what happens.. Anyone using t5s and hempys??????

What kind of "input" do you want? Do you have pics posted? Where are they? I recommended that you figure your lumens so you really know what you have...so how many lumens do those lights put out? that should be your very first step.

You should also realize that more buckets do not translate to more bud. Basically, your lighting is capable of producing x number of grams under the conditions you are growing, regardless of the number of buckets you have.

You are operating under some serious misconceptions. Commercial growers do not generally get more than 1 gram per watt. I do not believe that if "I used a 600 watt I'd get a pound, or more, at least, period..." That is simply not realistic at all for a new grower. I have been growing for many many years (LOL--I have kids older than you) and do not get over 1 gram per watt and I have my grow pretty dialed in. I did a 300W HPS scrog grow that I ended up with about 5-1/2 ozs and I was very happy with that. If you look at some of my grows, you can see how big and healthy the girls get and I still do not break that 1 g/watt. IMO, there is simply no way that you are going to be able to get 1 elbow with 325W of CFLs and LEDs. Not trying to bust your chops here, but I think that you should have some realistic expectations. A oz of mj is quite different when on the plant and when it is trimmed, dried, and cured. Here is a pic of a bud that dried out at about 14 grams, just to give you an idea how large a bud has to be to be an oz.: http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=84303&d=1224609475

I will close by telling you that IMO, your first priority should be learning to grow and getting your space dialed in and the yield will come. To start off with only big yield in mind is going about this backwards. If you want an elbow, you are going to have to get more, better lighting.
do you know how to lst? i would suggest you keep them plants short & wide if you plan on using flo's
Raisin Jackson said:
I think it's 4' wide, but yeah, an 8 bulb HO t5. Definately sog style but I will run the first batch with older plants, vegged long enough for adequate clones ( selecting new moms, getting a papa for breeding:holysheep: ). Only be like 14 plants tops.

Well without a link to your light I bet its not.

and with the height restriction I dont think the footprint is going to cover that many plants.
Yeah I'm not a new grower. I'm also not that young. I have no idea really of the width of the t5, and do realize the whole- limited by watts not plant number. This is my first time growing under a setup lIke I have (I have a journal on here) but ive grown a bit in the past.. I guess I'll get my thongs setup and start a log, like the log I have, and see. I don't like people assuming I'm brand spanking new to this, I'm not, and I have a beard and a bunch of kids myself. I've never grown under t5s though, I'm just surprised to actually get so many responses, it's very cool. I'm used to growing large scale under 1k mixed spectrum bulbs- did ok, but all organic in soil. All quality, as good as I've ever smoked, and don't assume I'm new there either, I live where there is more high quality bud per capital than anywhere, sorry California, ak is tops. I really appreciate the responses though, but I'm not young, man I wish I was, the beard wasn't always so grey. I just wanna grow another grow, up my total yeilds and still be able to do some breeding. I'll see what I can get in my crawlspace, still thinking the t5 is what I'll go with, I'm very limited on what I can run down there, just not enough circuits until I reroute some.
Raisin Jackson said:
Yeah I'm not a new grower. I'm also not that young. I don't like people assuming I'm brand spanking new to this, I'm not, and I have a beard and a bunch of kids myself. and don't assume I'm new there either, but I'm not young, man I wish I was, the beard wasn't always so grey.

I don't see were anyone was calling you young. just answering your questions.
I don't see were anyone was calling you young. just answering your questions.

Growdude are you say THG is old?

The HempGoddess said:
I have been growing for many many years (LOL--I have kids older than you)

I am thinking that like... her kids are like 20 or so... so she is like 39 or so....right?

J/K I am just having fun..please do not take this in the wrong way THG or Growdude:aok:
pcduck said:
Growdude are you say THG is old?

I am thinking that like... her kids are like 20 or so... so she is like 39 or so....right?

J/K I am just having fun..please do not take this in the wrong way THG or Growdude:aok:

I see.. unfortunately Im a bit older
Raisin, im a little confused.

Seems as if youve been growing for a while, but then again it seems you dont exactly have the fundamentals down in regards to acquiring the weight/density you are looking for.

Totally not slammin ya man, just saying. If you want weight, then you would know that HID's are your only option unless you know what the hell you are doing with flouro's.

Also, weight is also largely dependent on genetics, and if you dont have a momma that pumps out weight then you are off on the wrong foot.

im here to help, but your posts are so confusing.

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