mexico sure is shady i know ,,,,, but the streets are not literd with bodies,,, no chance i know peeps that holiday ther,,,, and i totaly get wot bleek was saying ,,, the dealers round my way are kids iv knowing all ther days they are not beasts[rapists] ,,,, i know wots going down in mexico with all the drug wars some smart asss from over my way invented a lil box wee all watch[tv] and i see about quite often ,,,wot you dont see is the lil kid from glasgow that opend up an other lil kids face with a razor simply cause he lives in a difrent street[welcom to hell] ,,, i just dont belive leaf should be so para and if he has to step over bodies on the way to shops atleast its some beast[rapist] id kick it out the way,,,planB your right bruv glasgow is laim yes ehouse shady place watch when you ther kids are crazy ther rife with young teams [gangs] and junkies .////peace[j]