stinger 7 day "unwanted toxins"

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New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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Ok so I'm starting a new job and though they have yet to confirm this I know I will be piss tested. I last smoked Sunday. From around January 1st to February 24th I smoked moderately and before that I was clean for 7 months. I'm 5' 9" and about 130lbs with a good matabolism. I am expecting my test wed to thur next week but it could be as early as Monday. Yesterday I started to take stingers 7 day formula. I have used it before successfully. Now here is my real question. On the instructions it specifically says avoid unwanted toxins. I am aware that tobacco is considered a toxin however I couldn't care less if it shows up in my test. Since I started smoking years ago I developed a oral smoking fixation. While I'm sad that I can't smoke any more as long as I can smoke my hookah its not so bad.

So to repeat more clearly. Will smoking tobacco during my 7 day cleanser screw it up? Will thc show back up?

I do plan on exercising and drinking large amounts of water and green tea.
If u smoke as much as i do u need synthetic urin. Its the best. 100% gurantee and 2 year shelf life
CubanTokker420 said:
If u smoke as much as i do u need synthetic urin. Its the best. 100% gurantee and 2 year shelf life

Do this if you want to pass.
"Quick Fix" :aok:

Most important...The temps;)


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