Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

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Jul 10, 2009
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Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and thought I'd share my grow with you all. This is my second grow, first time using soil. A few months ago I found myself unemployed (don't worry i have since found a job) and after the power supply on my desktop blew I had to replace it myself. I was left with the shell of the PC i pulled it from, which inspired me to build a grow case, although I didn't wind up using that particular case because of its size. Three days after finding one of suitable measurements I had the thing built. For the past two months I have been vegging a Northern Lights plant named Sally inside using the LST method to maximize use of the space. She has begun to show her sex and is indeed a girl. I am using soil i dug up from outside as our property used to be farmland (I know not the best idea but were dealing). Sally basks under one 27w Daylight spectrum CFL and one 27w Odor Eliminating bulb (which was added more recently and I believe in the 2700k range) while bathing primarily in well water. She seems to be doing quite well, in fact the only problem she's having is that her lower leaves develop small brown spots that look almost like specks of dirt. After this, the leaves become discolored and eventually yellow while the specks turn blackish and the leaf dies(Pic Attached). I look forward to reading all your comments and advice. If you have any questions please ask away:cool: .

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Northern Lights grow big how can you stealth it ?? even with a double stressing method i dont think you can stealth it that low :S
crozar said:
Northern Lights grow big how can you stealth it ?? even with a double stressing method i dont think you can stealth it that low :S

Is that right? From what I've heard NL is a relatively small plant 60-100 cm, roughly 39 inches. The height of the grow space is almost exactly 24 inches. I would love to try out lowryder seeds in this box, as they would be perfect for it, but I have none.
Hello Hazmat :)

You dont need me to tell you about how bad your soil is.

Are you feeding her yet?

PH is very important, any idea what your water PH is?

Welcome to the forum :aok:

welcome to MP!!

For the past two months I have been vegging a Northern Lights plant named Sally inside using the LST method to maximize use of the space.
how in the world she stay that small with 2months veg man? i didnt notice any signs of topping or anythin other than ya bent and tied her down. but for two months veg i woudl imagine she would be considerably larger even if you topped a few times. i got one plant from seed in veg now for lil over a month and its out of control and ive topped her as well as all her side branches and cropped it(bent) and even stakeing it down wit wires. an its gettin pretty wild.
just curious
she definately looks hungry tho for sure.
She seems to be doing quite well, in fact the only problem she's having is that her lower leaves develop small brown spots that look almost like specks of dirt. After this, the leaves become discolored and eventually yellow while the specks turn blackish and the leaf dies
that there sounds like K deficiency(potassium) them brown spots ...
almost looks like you aint fed her nothin at all so far...
good luck!

got to lookin at ya soil. which may be why she so
zipflip said:
welcome to MP!!

how in the world she stay that small with 2months veg man? i didnt notice any signs of topping or anythin other than ya bent and tied her down. but for two months veg i woudl imagine she would be considerably larger even if you topped a few times. i got one plant from seed in veg now for lil over a month and its out of control and ive topped her as well as all her side branches and cropped it(bent) and even stakeing it down wit wires. an its gettin pretty wild.
just curious
she definately looks hungry tho for sure.
that there sounds like K deficiency(potassium) them brown spots ...
almost looks like you aint fed her nothin at all so far...
good luck!

got to lookin at ya soil. which may be why she so

Perhaps the reason she is so small compared to yours is the fact that she has only about 54 watts of light coming to her... also I have had her on 18/6 since the beginning. The water I've been using, I think, has a PH of 6.5. You guys are correct in assuming she is hungry as I've only fed her one time. I knew this was a matter of deficiency. The nutes I'm using you have probably never heard of so I'll include a few pics of the box. Been thinking of moving her outside now that she is getting older however my light cycle is not in sync with the sun currently and I'm afraid of shocking her (would this cause hermaphroditism?). Perhaps I could switch to 24/0 for a week before transplanting outside? What do you guys think?

Since you probably wont be able to read the box I'll give you the rundown on the nutes. This is some info directly from the box...

Diluted from 5-10-20

Guaranteed analysis:
Total Nitrogen...0.005%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen...0.003%
Nitrate Nitrogen...0.002%
Available Phosphate(p2O5)...0.01%
Soluble Potash(K2O)...0.02%
Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Phosphate, Potassium Nitrate, Calcium Phosphates.

The Box also says I may use about one or two bottles a month. Should I give her another or ditch this for different nutes?
Hazmat said:
Perhaps the reason she is so small compared to yours is the fact that she has only about 54 watts of light coming to her

I think the poor quality soil has a lot to do with that too. Did you get that from your backyard?

Hazmat said:
also I have had her on 18/6 since the beginning.

This would only help the growth.

I suggest you get better soil, a bigger box and better lights.
Perhaps the reason she is so small compared to yours is the fact that she has only about 54 watts of light coming to her... also I have had her on 18/6 since the beginning.
i would think shed be all stretch out wildly by now then if bein the case so im guessin tat yeah, its the soil more thats restrictin her growth.
and come to think of it my last grow i had the crappiest soil ever (hyponex)wal mart special lol and the stuff got hard like a dang brik no lie. and mine were teeny girls.
im glad i aint usin that junk again. it was basically nothin but sand and chunks of tree bark/wood after few waterings an wat lil soil in it was washed out. lol
so yeah F.Y.I. dont get the hyponex ever . :)
Trafic said:
I think the poor quality soil has a lot to do with that too. Did you get that from your backyard?

This would only help the growth.

I suggest you get better soil, a bigger box and better lights.

There is also the option of moving her outdoors and filling a hole or bigger pot with better soil mixed with the current soil(yes its from the yard/woods)? Has anyone here moved a plant from indoor to outdoor that wasn't on the same lighting schedule as the sun? Right now i have her dark period from noon to 6 pm. will this be a problem?

I am trying to work with what I've got so yeah i know id be better of with bigger box better lights etc but I'm not about to cut her down and start over
would rather stick her outside if need be.

Also I gave her more food yesterday and will start feeding her regularly.
you also have a Mg deff as can be seen by the stripped stems. She will be by far root bound by not, if the dirt isnt too hard for roots to grow.
Transplanted her into a bigger pot today and snapped a few pics. First of the roots which were indeed bound. Added 3 parts peat moss to 1 part perilite and am thinking this will bring the ph down too low:eek: . Should I have added in some dolomitic limestone? Giving her better soil is the best i can do at this point but i want to make sure i'm giving her the right thing before her roots expand too much. Let me know what you guys think about adding it to raise ph a little.

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