starting second grow

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It's your roots. You have to get rid of the bugs. They are eating your roots...
I'm been tryin to kill them I have "go gnats" to spray on top of soil and I water with peroxide to kill the larvae.
I also started adding potato slices on top of the soil and changing every other day which is really helping the plants roots from being destroyed. I'm switching to 12/12 tonight. I'll post pics of how the lovely ladies are doing.
Potatoes sound like just a breeding ground for more. Cover the top of the soil in DE, sand or perlite. Put up "gnat sticks"( Google) and sticky fly traps and they will begone before you know it. All the peroxide stuff Is useless IMO when its as simple as keeping top of soil dry with what I said, better with the de as the larvae will be shreaded. The sticky traps take care of the adults
Hats the point. The larvea eat the potato instead of my roots and I change the potato slices every other day so they are tied up out side in a trash bag before they are adults. I would use the other stuff but I have clay pellets on my top soil which makes the roots grow rite to the surface. Unfortunately the gnats came along after. Iv only seen a couple adults since I started the potato slices.
i took these last night before i switched my lighting to 12/12, all are about 16 inches tall except 1 little guy at 13 inches. anticipation for the fat juicy nugs to come is killing me. you can cleary see the potato slices on top of the clay pellets. they are doing wonders for keeping the gnats off my plants.



well i dont see adult gnats either but sticky traps will tell a differnt story...

you have a few of these up atleast?

my gnats come from that hole in the wall behind the trap, ill have gnats forever in this place, glad im moving. behind there will fill up with ewater puddles also, its where they added indoor plumbing back in the day since my house was bulit before that i guess. they didnt do good enough job on the brick work down there, pretty much anything in outside soil could crawl in if it wanted.

The adult gnats stay on top of the soil or once the top layer starts to dry they stay in the soil. It's the only place they can hide in my room. I do have sticky traps on top of soil as well as hanging near plants. I started useing azamax yesterday bc iv heard a lot of good things about it. Just crossing my fingers for now. I can keep them under control but not eliminate them. Put a piece of tap over the crack so they can't get into your room.
The hole is 5x5 can see outside earth and such. No fixing it unless dug up and rebricked.

I'm moving soon so not doing anything about it

Probably been that way 50+ years

Ihave no gnats in my grow/ soil. Just on thetraps I haven't changed them in 2 years lol
Yeah that would take a lot of tap to cover lol. At least they leave your plants alone, lil *******s been giving me hell since my plants left the cloner.
im amazed at the amount of growth i'v seen in just 3 days :eek: . i'v had to raise my light every day since flowering and they are really starting to bush up. couldnt be prouder :icon_smile:

IMAG0184 (1).jpg
first pic was takin looking down on the 2 in the front row.



i do a 1/2 strength feeding of all bloom nutes every other watering and a 125% strength feeding the other. built up my plants nute intake level during veg and been running it this way since i started flowering. and going to start feeding full strength every time i water next week since my plants suck all the water up every 3 days now instead of 5. going to see how strong i can get it and see if it shows in my yeild and potency.
after one azamax drench my gnat problem as all but been eliminated within about a week. did another drench yesterday 10 days after the first i dont expect ill have to do it again.
marble sized balls of white "hairs" are all over the plants now. i have started to add raw sweet to my bloom nute mixture, never tried it before but heard good improvement of taste and smell when you carbo load in bloom.
Every watering my girls recieve from here on out will be full strength nutes, which they need to be fed every 2-3 days. seems that when nutes are added to EVERY water no mater the strength my plants drink the soil dry 1-2 days faster then just plain water. its amazing!! this plant never fails to surprise me around every turn. this hobby has quickly developed into a passion.
took these last night. they are comin along B E A UTIFLY.... also even with the intense amount of nutrients they have been recieving they show no sign of nute burn and are lovin it. just over a month left till harvest the buds should start swelling up nicely.



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