Stanks clone experiment

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Soooo what DGF, do you just rinse off the sunshine mix before you put em into your DWC?
I had a friend who bought a cheap China aero cloner, and he had one successful round then he couldnt keep a clone to save his life, and he used my proven method, that I personally set up for him and taught him how to do. I suspected it was the crappy cheap cloner, so I let him borrow my turbokloner t24. He rooted many more with it using the same recipe, thus proving it was his crap cloner, proving once again, you get what you pay for! Brix out!
Nope, the Sunshine becomes a "core" and I surround it with hydroton in a large mesh pot, and drop that in an 18 gal tote :aok:

I don't get anything in my res from it, not seeing any issues. I make sure to use Cal-Mag, and I'm good. :)
I made a DIY cloner we have a link here... But it is really about patience..I used to clone well, i have sucked at it lately. Roses are easier to clone. And i did not say you were 2 going on 30.....
Whatever you do stank, don't pull those up yet... talk to me at day 21.... I am on your side.
Bubble cloners are not 100% .. directly into medium seems to be 100%

My bubble cloner holds jars now lol.


After two weeks and 3 days (that's 17 days) I finally saw some roots sticking out of the bottom of my Rockwool, last night!! :D

Funny thing with Rockwool.. you can over soak. I didn't let mine sit in water. I soaked my cubes over night in 5.5 solution. I then gave a gentle squeeze and shake to get most of the water out. I have NOT rewet in that amount of time. Each day I would pick the track up, and spray up in the holes, and in the tray. Then I would spray the clones lightly, and the inside of the dome lightly. Every single day I did this, and now I have roots. I never "resoaked" my rockwool... merely sprayed it. :D :aok:

Just wanted to give my update. First time trying Rockwool, and I think I have it figured out.
Too late rose ADD kicked in started to shave rockwhool back didn't see no roots so I pulled it out no roots. Did another one same thing still have 2 left will leave them for one more week that will be 3 weeks.

I have lots of seeds so this clone thing is gonna take a backseat to my sub rosa seedlings
Nothing is 100%, different things work for different ppl, i have used a home made bubble cloner many times and with very good results, the one thing i noticed was a constant temp was neccessary, it could be a little warm, or just a little cooler than the ideal temp, but the key was always to keep it as constant as possible, no big temp swings.
I use a formula in my cloner of Olivia's cloning solution, super thrive, and dried c-kelp, I dip my cuts in Olivia's gel too. I have at least a 90% success rooting, and usually within 10 days. Liked Dman said temps are crucial as slime forms when it's too warm and it won't root if it's too cold. Oh yeah I also put some hydrogen peroxide in there to keep the roots nice and white!!!
Krazie how so many people have so many different experiences cloning.. Alot of it must be strain specific.. When I was growing northern lights, and skunk #4, it was as easy as dipping branches in gel, sticking them in pots, then into a fishtank to keep up the humidity. As far as I can remember I only had 1 or 2 die, and the effort I put in was a 3 outta 10. Old fish tank light, old fish tank, spray once or twice a day, and boom.. The very tops of the plants had a hard time rooting.. seemed like the smaller the branch the quicker they rooted..

You guys ever seen a rooted leaf?? Now thats messed up..

If you still have 2 left Stank you still have a pretty good chance.. I would leave them in there until they die or root, or just put one in your DWC bucket and hope for the best :)

I'm doing my Rockwool in a tray, with a dome, and leave it on top of my T5's... one, for heat, and two, for residual light. I'm under the impression the immediate root zones should have 0 light if possible.

With this said, I've rooted 3 clones in clear shot glasses of straight water, in the bottom of my tents before. I was 3/3 with it... hilarious.

Wishing you luck good sir! :aok:
oh well, i maintain that you tampered with em too much, were too anxious, that anxiety is telepathically transferred to the baby's psychology and it stresses them out :D
oh well, i maintain that you tampered with em too much, were too anxious, that anxiety is telepathically transferred to the baby's psychology and it stresses them out :D

I let them dry out today lol they were so light and droopy. I added water to cubes let's see what happens.

ZEM - I have put them into counselling to see if I can reverse the mental damage that I have put them threw. Please pray that they will come out better clones. Thanks
You definitely don't want to let the rockwool dry out, if the stem gets an embolism in it, it's over with. There is no coming back from that. Do you let your cuttings soak in Olivia's few a few after you cut em? Also do you soak your rockwool in Olivia's prior to using them? Those things help. Also try taking your cuttings from the bottom of the plant as opposed to the tops, they tend to clone better. Another thing to do would be to cut back the N in your feed a week or so before you take cuttings. Too much N can inhibit rooting somewhat....anyways just some things to consider. On the other hand some strains are notoriously difficult to clone, while other, you just say clone and they throw roots, lol! Anyway good luck and green mojo for the cuts!
Next round my advice, is try less.. also I read a very good post about making sure to place your rockwool on some perlite, something about the water/air can't do their thing because the rockwool is suctioned at the bottom. By putting it on perlite it lets it breath, also soak the rockwool first in ph solution, barely squeeze so they quit dripping, put ur clone in there, mist, cover with a dome, and mist 2-3 times a day u be good 2 go :)

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