Spiders (not mites) and Webs

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Aug 31, 2009
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Hey guys just need some advice or help on this matter. I have one outdoor plant that is in its 3rd week of flowering. Since it is apparently does not get dark enough outside for my plant to flower correctly I have had to bring it inside everynite.

I have noticed both when I have left it outside (before I knew of the light issue) the next morning I would come out and it would have really thin not necessarily spider webs but strings just from leaves to different leaves almost like you would put X-mas lights around a tree (which when i see i brush all the webs/strings off it). Ive seen different types of spiders on them from little white almost transparent looking spiders (not mites they were bigger) to this morning when i took it out of my garage and noticed a EDIT black widow on it which made webs/string around the bottom of the pot like a cover over the soil.

My questions is are other backyard spiders other than mites very dangerous for a plants life. I'm sure to a degree growing outside you have to expect insects i just want to know how much damage different types can do if any?

Should I be trippin editcause i am? I only started off w/ 2 this year and have already lost one to a heat stress

thanks guys i appreciate it
I never kill non-mite, non-poisonous spiders in my grows (I may remove them from plants and place elsewhere). They eat the bugs that eat your plants. I'm thinking if your getting that many attracted to your plants they're may be a food source (mites,thrips,etc.) on your plants attracting them. If plant is under an overhang or tree they may just be dropping out and coincidentally landing on your plants. I would atleast take a scope to the bottom of your leaves and make sure they're bug free. Good luck!
The little spiders sound like they may be babies dropping out of a nest. I've noticed baby spiders are transparent many times...must get color later like coyfish or something.

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