so many questions, so little time..

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May 21, 2009
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okay well i started growing mj about a month ago and this is my first time growing... i need help pleeeeease :)

k well my plant has a very "off" cycle cuz i started growing it outside where it got about 12 hrs of sunlight a day and it was growing fast :) then i had to re-locate it to somewhere where it barley gets 8, and i noticed its growing waay slower, of course, but

lastnight i put it in the kitchen under the stove light anddd that thing got all open again [because it got all slumpy], well anyway idk what kind of light it is but should i leave it there or put the plant back outside?
Read this hXXp:// throw it outside
okay thanks, why do i put it out if it looks good under the light? is it bad? im sorry im putting it out i just wanna know :)
hahahahaha i know it sounds stupid but it honestly looks like its doing better than when i had it outside. plus its overcast outside AND i dont even use my stove.. its outside..
i have more questions too!!! cause i have 5 more little bb plants, about 2 weeks old :)
Well it seems you have your thread started ;)

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yay!! talk to me :) okay well i live in apartments and im a caregiver for my roommate so technically we can have plants and stuff so thats why i started growing that first plant, to try it out and stuff and it grew pretty fast but now that i have it outside it looked like it was dying, and i would out a pic up but i dont have a camera until later.. well i wanna know what lights i should get so i can have all my plants inside now? or sould i just plant them at someones pad where i think theyre safe?
ohhh the reason i told you im a caregiver is because my roommates mom is the manager for the apartments and she knows im growing but she said we have to make them discrete.. but where i have themm i dont think is healthy
On a cloudy day you will get more light from the sun then a light bulb ok the reason your plant grew quick is it's reaching for the light. Here is a good light hXXp://

But You need alot to go along with it and dont use cfl lighting if you want a good harvest.

But I would recomend that you read more before starting anymore plants this will save you time and money. I know you just started so your really into it but relax the more time you spend with your plants the more harm you will do to them. You will need $1000.00 buck a roonies to set up a system that will work good for what you have.
ooooooooo.... i see :) i heard it was expensive but i didnt kno it would be like that!! well should i just leave them outside and just hope they survive? and the little ones i planted in half arizona cans with holes in the bottom, when will they be ready to transplant and whats the best soil to use cause f'n miracle grow i heard is messing my plants up
when they a developed atleast six nodes and try to find fox farm soil dig a hole big enough for one bag each 1.5 cubic feet this is if you want a big yeild go to a hydro store buy advanced 2 part sensi 20 bucks each you dont need to fertilize with good soil for atleast a month k after the month fertilize once a week go by directions as marked on bottle I will take you under my wings and help you out slow and steady thats how these girls like it LOL
CThuglife said:
ooooooooo.... i see :) i heard it was expensive but i didnt kno it would be like that!! well should i just leave them outside and just hope they survive? and the little ones i planted in half arizona cans with holes in the bottom, when will they be ready to transplant and whats the best soil to use cause f'n miracle grow i heard is messing my plants up

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