smart pots

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i love mj!
Apr 6, 2011
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im lookin for some s.pots. ive seen $50 per 5 gal ,lmfao and $5 but dont ship to canada. anyone in canada know were to buy em?
wow ruffy. thats steep. $3 for a 5er here in us. if you was near here you could have mine. i got a bunch, and dont like them...(they dry out too fast imo)...

edit> i'm talking bout the black cloth ones...
Ruffy try here>>>>

They don't list smart pots on but the .com one says they ship to Canada.

I love my Smart pots....yeah they dry out faster but that is the point, and from the side by side I did in them against regular pots The yield was noticeably bigger in the Smart Pots.
ya i saw that thread thats why i looked around. thanks hamster.
what about walmart enviro bags? someone said they were the same thing as a smart pot?
There's a few spinoffs.. Try Greenfire (makers of Earth Juice) for their eco-pots. They run about half as much as smartpots do..
i seen your's hammy, they were nice. it has to do with differing styles i think. what i didnt care for was how fast mine dried out, and having to pull them out individually to water. its a pain to pull out 25 plants and water one at a time, and messy too, cause water would go everywhere, so had to sit them in a catch, and that was why i didnt care for them inside. had to clear that up. lol. ;)

it's not feasible to put a nft tray under them in my set up, cause of the standing water it would leave. after using those one run, i really think they were designed with the od grower in mind. jmo of course...

someone said those walmart bags were weak, but would do in a tight.peace...
Hamster Lewis said:
I love my Smart pots....yeah they dry out faster but that is the point, and from the side by side I did in them against regular pots The yield was noticeably bigger in the Smart Pots.

Please expound.......
HIya Peeps...

imo the best thing about Smartpots is you dont get any root circling at all. When I pull the rootball out of my bags after harvest to re-use them all I have is a very solid rootball with no root circling...:aok:

I use some deep saucers and plastic food storage bins for them to sit in and I water very slowly, maybe 8 oz at a time until I see some runoff coming out of the pots and then I'll stop for a while and go have some bong hits...;)

I'll come back in 15 min or so and all the water left in the saucers/trays has been wicked up by the plants so I'll water some more... Again, slowly adding about a 12-16 oz to each plant and going on to the next plant until I once again see runoff... I'll then take another bong break...:D

Usually the 3rd time I come back and add about 8 oz at a time per pot until I see slight runoff again and I'm done. If you are in a hurry you can put them in a bin and really slosh them down one at a time but I prefer to water them in place most of the time cuz its easier. If you take your time with watering they'll wick up any excess and you wont have to dump any runoff trays...:rolleyes:

Happy Growing...:)
thanks dos, mixed comments, i dont know what to do. so ill try 2 against plastic 5gal and the same strain and seee how much of a pain in the *** it is. keep the comments comin
:huh: Why are they called "Smart Pots" if they don't water their self? :confused2:

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