Sloppy Emotions

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in Jr High we had a "guidance counselor" (7th & 8th grade) Mr. Allen. Now Mr. Allen was a rather large man, not tall but fat. He drove a big black car full of empty donut boxes. He also had metal taps on his shoes. Thinking back, he was likely some nut case.

If you got in trouble, you were told to stand out in the hall. OK, piece of cake. Then you hear the taps coming as he drags his heels walks up to you and says "I'm going to jack you up." For your first offense, he grabbed your hand and twisted it palm up. With the other hand he took out a paddle, you know a wooden paddle but short enough it was in his suit jacket somewhere. 3 hard smacks (would love to have that lawsuit) on the hand. And I mean he put his all into it!

On the following offenses you got taken to the nurses room and put your hands on chair back while he whaled on you with a full size, hole drilled in it and everything, wooden paddle. He could flat lift you off the ground. Don't ask how I know all this...

Did you go to school in Fl,
Got more ass whippings by a Principle then i can count. Didn't do a fking thing buy piss me off.

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