Based on what you said "shut up canadian" I can only assume a fellow Canadian would not say that to me. I harbor no ill will toward Americans, I have a summer home in the States and I love it down there. The people are nice, friendly, and honest. Can you read? I'm just wondering because you're only taking portions of my post and then trying (and failing, like everything else you've probably tried to do life) to turn them around on me.
Let me copy and paste parts of my last post you seem to have ignored, and do me a favor, read it this time, or have someone else read it to you if the big words are too tough for you. I just realized you basically ignored my whole post, so I'll just copy and paste it again. Please, this time, have someone else read it to you, so then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.
In response to your "shut up you canadian..lord canadians.." I replied:
Excuse me? That's discrimination and I'll have none of it. People like you give honest MJ growers a bad name, you low life criminal. Let me give you some advice:
1. Get a job.
2. Pay for insurance you ignorant fool.
3. Abide by the law and it won't come after you.
4. Do unto others. You asked for people's opinions and you got it.
5. Do yourself a favor, get an education.
And just for your information, Canada is in the top 5 of Best Countries in the World to live in, well ahead of the USA (no offense), but that's a fact.
I could easily say "shut up you american.. stupid arrogant americans.." and you know what, for some, like you, it's true. But the majority of Americans I know are good, honest people, so I won't say that, because to say that I would be stereotyping an entire nationality, which is very extreme and also very stupid.
So instead I will say this, it's Americans like you that make the rest of the world hate you, and that is a sad fact.