Should I follow this guy's advice?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
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It’s starting to get cold here in the Northeast, and I’m probably going to be forced to harvest soon. A friend of mine has given me the following advice on feeding and weaning the plant off the nutrients:

4 weeks before harvest: reduce nutrient dose to ½
3 weeks before harvest: reduce nutriend dose to ¼
2 weeks before harvest: no nutrients, water only
1 week before harvest: no nutrients, no water

He says that this will get rid of the nutrients, and then in the final week the plant will be starved for everything, including water. He claims that this will make the buds dry faster, and produce more resin because they feel like they’re dying.

Is there any truth to any of this? Should I follow this guy’s advice?
Yes, that is true, the only thing i will add though is the addition of sugar, I.E. molases. when just giving straight water, add 4tbl spoons per gallon of water to thicken buds 20%, this will still give perfect white/light gray ash in the bowl, joint. But will thicken your yield. other than that listen to your boy, he/she knows whats up! lata'
Good advice, but often times not very practical for outdoor grows. Plants in general do not need as much, even remotely as indoor plants. On the flipside if you have easy access to them they usually can take alot more nutrients outside before you burn them.
Also as a matter of interest if you are using organic ferts the plant seems only to take what it needs IMO.. Some org ferts have molasses to raise the k anyway.. I have just flushed mine with plain water and will chop in the morning..

Or should I wait??? who knows??? Anyone?

see here... mmmmm..
I stop ferts 2 weeks before harvest.......but I'm pretty sure 10 days would be fine.

Yes, I agree with chop before the sun comes up or real early!

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