The Hemp Goddess
Now on to getting those seeds started. I personally like to use Rapid Rooters to get my seeds started. These are spongy little cubes that you plant directly into. When you transplant, they go right into your new pot and medium with little to no transplant shock. Don't keep them too moist. Far more new growers kill their plants by overwatering than underwatering. If the seeds have mold on them, they are goners. They don't need any light until they break the surface, but they do need to be kept warm--78-80 is usually good for seedlings. I also would not cover them with plastic--they still need to breathe. If your area is arid enough that you feel you need to cover them, get some kind of humidity done that still has ventilation. Make sure that the water you are giving them is relatively pure and not loaded down with who knows what. For instance, chlorine is bad for plants, so if you are on city water with chlorine in it, you will need to let this gas-off before using it to water. If you are on well water with a lot of minerals in it, you will want to use another water source. Good luck!