The plant is looking very healthy so I wouldn't move up to the next stage just yet. I would give it another week. It looks like the schedule is flexible to adjust to how the plant does as opposed to following a set week to week schedule. But it looks like it is set to a 6-8 week veg phase. I don't know this nute brand so I am making an educated guess at how it would be used. I work around a 6week veg cycle so that I get the level of growth and maturity that I need but the look of the plant makes me think that you should discount the first 2 weeks of life for seedlings then go on a 2 week cycle where you would switch schedules every 2 weeks(barring any issues that could cause the plant to slow its growth). Then on the fflower schedule, switch every 2 weeks(for an 8wk flower) then on the 7th week stay with the last dosage, and then when they are in their 8th week cut off all but the HH. If you have a 9week flower, then extend the late flower schedule ffor another week. If they are 10wk fflowers then you would divide the schedule into 3 week changes and use the 10th week for the "fflush" week.
Determining when to water is challenging for new growers until you get used to reading the plants and/or soil. The problem is that there are variables that will affect the watering times. I stick my finger into the soil and ffeel for moisture. Iff you have small containers then you can just stick your ffinger in about half to your middle knuckle, but if you have larger containers then stick your ffinger in as deep as you can to feel for moisture. Iff the soil is still quite moist then no water. Iff only slightly moist at the very end then time to water.