That is the most confusing ad I ever seen.
1. Why is the Veg bulb listed having more "used" watts (125W) and the flowering bulb only being (85W).
2. How come It says "625 watts light output" then in technical specs it says 85W. Measure of light output is lumens not watts.

3. Why are the wired at 220-240V.
Dude I would be emailing the seller WAY before you buy them.
(the answer to #2 is that those are "incadescent equivilant" wattages...which are worthless values to growers. Lumen and color spectrum is critical...he his keeping those lumens a secret for a reason)
1. Ask will they work on a regular voltage circuit or does it have to be 220V
2. What is the lumen output of each bulb.
3. Why is the veg. bulb higher rated than the flower bulb.
personally I would not buy em. Go to wal-mart and get them and KNOW what lumen output is. Or you can go to like or similar sites for compact florous...(which this is all they are nothing real fancy like he said)
The medium base should be fine, but the 220V concerns me.