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New Member
Feb 20, 2006
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hey yall,
ive got about a gram of schwag and im new to smokin weed(ive done it 3 times)
how do i smoke schwag, iv been making a watterbottle bong and using buds, but if i try to use schwag in a watterbottle bong, it will just fall through the socket
ive go to throw away w/e i use to smoke it since im 15,
ive never smoked a joint, but dont u not get a lot of smoke out of joints?
i want to get the most out of the weed/ i dont want to waste any of it
so do yall have any ideas?
Get a toilet paper roll thats finished, Some alluminum foil, and tape. Cut circle in cardboard roll close to one end. Use some alluminum foil to form a bowl in the hole you just made tape the foil in place and punch some wholes in the bottom of the foil bowl. Hold your hand on the outer end of the roll and suck on the other. Light it. Get some eye drops, listerine pocketpak, cologne, and also no water hand soap to be stealth. hope this helps.

or get an aluminum can 12oz. make a bend in it punch some holes in the bend and also a hole on the side put weed on the bend over the holes and put finger on the whole on the side while you light and inhale through the can lid opening.
I hope you can make sense of these directions.
wow, heres the bestest way evers, make a foil, but be careful, that coating will fuck your lungs up, and make it long, or that smoke gonna be harsh as fuck...
should i make the circle small, and pack the weed, or make it big and not pack it?
sorry, im new to this
make it relativley small, and damn, you havent smoked that shit yet?,lol, and use a needle and poke about 4-5 holes, and make the pipe around 4-5 inches long, hot smoke isnt good for you...
so, should the weed be tightly packed?
also do u think its shitty weed, cause yesterday it made me extremely hungry, i ate 24 cookies and a box of cereal- i wus eating the entire time, i dint have time to relax, because i was eating the whole time- i had 2 very tightly packed sockets, and very big hits
yo man, pack it tight , lose or what eva you want. Joints dont wast weed man...its best to smoke shwag in joints and leave the good weed to bowls and pipes. Be creative. you can smoke from just about anything (apples, paper rolls..) You are in good stage in your life..hehe the first few times you get high are the best , so enjoy it. If you ever smoke some good weed youll be in lala land. To avoid eating so much just by a big slam pepsi and smoke a black and mild (you dont have to inhale and they are cheap flavor pack mini cigars with a plastic tip/filter. Dont let too many people know you smoke and dont let it crush let it demotivate you. use it in moderation , youll be fine. cya
bikedude said:
hey yall,
ive got about a gram of schwag and im new to smokin weed(ive done it 3 times)
how do i smoke schwag, iv been making a watterbottle bong and using buds, but if i try to use schwag in a watterbottle bong, it will just fall through the socket
ive go to throw away w/e i use to smoke it since im 15,
ive never smoked a joint, but dont u not get a lot of smoke out of joints?
i want to get the most out of the weed/ i dont want to waste any of it
so do yall have any ideas?
Here's a quick and simple throw away.

Get any pop top can. Turn it so the drinkin hole is up and facing you.

Squish the can so it's flat on the side that's up. Not totaly flat just enough to take a knife tip and poke it through the oppisite end of the can like you're making a screen out of it. Put a hole in the end of the can for a carb.

Now, put just enough weed on the holes you poked in the can and put your lips over the drink hole and take a toke. Put your finger over the hole in the other end and if it starts gettin too hot for you, just take your finger off the hole.

Hell of a pipe and when you're done, crumple it up and throw that sucker in the bush.

You got nonthin but a pocket knife on ya.

I've put these cans in the trash all over the freakin world. It's handy as hell.

I gotta tell you, I've seen a few dudes cut the shit outta themselves doin this.

Be real careful.
It's very unhealthy to smoke with anything alum. (foil, pop cans).
Learn to roll a joint, or smoke it throu a regular (tobacco) pipe until you can get a glass spoon.
Corn cob pipes are a good way to smoke pot, available everywhere and they're cheap.
i wouldnt worry about the aluminum too much but dont do it constantly or it can lead to alzheimers

holy shit i think i might have spelt that right
spliffy said:
i wouldnt worry about the aluminum too much but dont do it constantly or it can lead to alzheimer's

holy shit i think i might have spelt that right
I'll be damned.

Another person who knows about the risks of aluminum in the human body.

Biggest risk?


And that's no shit.

No aluminum spoons, pots, kettles, nothing.

This type of cooking devices were most predominant during the great depression. The radical increase of the cases of Alzheimer's is in proportion to the millions of these devices that were estimated to have been used during this period of time. The descendants of these people are at the same risk.


Sorry folks.

I'm an old guy that has seen what this demon can do.

Excess aluminum in the human body.

That's the reason.

You're the cure.

Tank you, tank you velly velly much.........

Wood spoons, bowls, utencils. Much better.

Tell em Stoney said so.

Stainless Steel or cast iron.

That will help stop a lot of bad shit.

No Aluminum stuff in the kitchen!

It makes good ladders
i can't believe the # of ppl who still tout alum. foil is ok to use... and not just on these forums.. god.
I can understand doin what you have to to get high, but yeah invest in some papers there cheap and sold everywhere.

By the way love your screen name (NIN fan myself)
if shwag is all you have i used to roll blunts i had to teach myself to roll a blunt by many many many practices and broken blunts but once u get the hang of it theres nothin like a shwag blunt....peach optimos in my opinion r the best nowadays i smoke bowls of dank good luck to ur pot smoking adventures
I can understand doin what you have to to get high, but yeah invest in some papers there cheap and sold everywhere.

Yeah its not that hard to find a way to smoke it
if you are not creative you suck.

I have done it in cans
and in bottles
and in a trumpet mouth piece
and shitty one-hit bowls I got from friends
and i just had a joint
and my cat is lickin' herself
and i need cheeerieas\df

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