Rubbermaid CFL Purple Chitral X Uzbeki Pure Indy Landrace Cross Grow Log

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My temps stay between 75-80 avg 5-7 degrees over ambient temp. Thx for stopping by bro.

Girls are doing great
Frosting up and filling out more and more every day
I decided to try an experiment on one of the girls. I trimmed all fan leaves and the very bottom satalite buds. I have seen soimething similar done before and it turned out good. I think there is enough leaves to carry out necessary photosynthesis. I could be wrong...but, no risk no reward
Either way I look forward to seeing how it turns out. I will be watching for any nanners that may pop up. Actually if any do I will let em ripen a lil and harvest em. Some fem purple chitral pollen would be pretty nice. Either way, if this girl's buds growth explodes I will prolly do it to another girl and compare harvest weights at end. Enjoy the pics


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Very nice! Before saving any of that pollen, look up hermie pollen. I don't think it's a good idea. Could be wrong, but that's what I remember.
Sup yall
Ladiez is doing amazing. There is a significant difference in size since last update. My AC is out...the temps are hovering at 90-95 in the BB X CC box and around 85-90 in PC X Uzbeki box. Unfortunatly the BB X CC is taking it pretty hard...the pc X Uzbeki are thriving...I guess its similar to afganistan area during day and cold at night....the BB X CC seem to have stalled out this past week in growth
Ionno...I cant get it fixed ATM so I hope it gets through it. Ive pulled a 2 lights out of the box to try and help cool it off (BB X CC Box) Other then that, the PC X Uzbeki are exploding. 4 out of 5 show purpling...the one that does not have any purple atm is by far the biggest yielder...super rock hard fat nug. It is just blowing me away...its atleast twice the size of 3 of the others and the 2nd biggest is about 3/4 its size. I know ive said this already lol...but seeing these results with 168 watts of cfls....I can only imagine what would happen under a HPS . I definitly would love to grow these under an hps.

Edit: Forgot to mention, they were fed 4 tsp tigerbloom and 1-2tsp(eyeballed) mollasses to 1 gallon of water. I will check trichs next watering and if atleast 50% cloudy I will start FLUSH . The BB X CC I believe I will wait a couple weeks before I start its flush . I hope it perks up. I'll take some pics of the BB X CC tomorow.

Ill let the pics speak for themselves.


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Sup yall!! Thx for stopping by and for the kind words. You are always welcome here:)

Weezy said:
Nice frosty pics. How long is that nug in pic 8?

Thx bro. That nug is right at a foot long. =D The bottom 3" or so are not "connected" The individual nugglets are seperate but the rest of the bud is connected and is going to fatten up to be one big fat bud =D:ignore:


Few more pics

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Thx guys and galz. Yes, I am very proud of my lil ladies:D . The PC X UZ have 2-3 weeks left and the BB X CC has around 4 or so weeks.

Sexologist420 said:
Thx bro. That nug is right at a foot long. =D The bottom 3" or so are not "connected" The individual nugglets are seperate but the rest of the bud is connected and is going to fatten up to be one big fat bud =D:ignore:

Thats real nice for 42s. I wonder if you get better penetration with the bulbs like that (like lifeless) then with what I got going...I have the bulbs horizontal with plexiglass kinda like blue-adept's light bank... anyways it looks really nice.
ive got a different cfl rubbermaid set up, seems to be working well only 2 weeks into veg so hard to say but i hope they turn out half as nice as those!
Weezy said:
Thats real nice for 42s. I wonder if you get better penetration with the bulbs like that (like lifeless) then with what I got going...I have the bulbs horizontal with plexiglass kinda like blue-adept's light bank... anyways it looks really nice.

Sup bro. Ya I believe that hanging them down is the way to go. When you have em horizontal you are losing half of your light becaus eits facing up and even with a reflector CFL's have such short light distance that it breaks down to quick. Then you throw a piece of glass which reduces the lumins another 10-20% and ya... CFL's are great for small compact grows with multiple plants because when you hang them vertical like that they give light off in 360* and each plant is getting light from 2 or more bulbs usually so the plant is "surrounded" in light. WHereas if you only have top lighting only the ver tops are getting light. Ya I based my design on lifeless. I am also amazed at how well 4 42's is doing. I definitly give the credit to the huge success to the vertical hanging of the bulbs as my BB X CC has about the same ammoun ot lumins on that 1 plant...but because I have to have em horizontal Its not quite as impressive. You got a link to your grow?

earlmaster- you got a link to your grow bro? I'd like to see what you got going on bro.


UKgirl420- Thx Your girls are great aswell. Hows that smoke? You going to be starting up any new projects any time soon?

pce yall
Here is a pic of my light bank...they sit horizontal. All 5-42 watt bulbs (4 @ 6500k and 1 middle one @ 2700k)going for 210 watts total (2800 lumens x 4 + 2600 lumens x 1 = 13800 total lumens).

I have the bank sitting in 2-18 gallon tubs that are stacked on each other. It is roughly 13"x18" using scrap wood and aluminum hvac tape for reflective purposes...

I don't know if I want to keep em like this...the plexiglass does help (although it does block some UV etc) because my negative connection to my dc 12v converter and this scythe 100mm cpu fan got disconnected and spent a good part of the day shut off...

Anyways keep it up. Have you thought about revegging any of these?

Weezy said:
Here is a pic of my light bank...they sit horizontal. All 5-42 watt bulbs (4 @ 6500k and 1 middle one @ 2700k)going for 210 watts total (2800 lumens x 4 + 2600 lumens x 1 = 13800 total lumens).

I have the bank sitting in 2-18 gallon tubs that are stacked on each other. It is roughly 13"x18" using scrap wood and aluminum hvac tape for reflective purposes...

I don't know if I want to keep em like this...the plexiglass does help (although it does block some UV etc) because my negative connection to my dc 12v converter and this scythe 100mm cpu fan got disconnected and spent a good part of the day shut off...

Anyways keep it up. Have you thought about revegging any of these?

Sup bro. That is actually a really cool reflector deal for your CFL's. The only problem with that though is the light is only getting on the very tops of the plants. The bottom 3/4 of your plants will have hardly any buds. However that would be perfect for a scrog. Since in a scrog you only have top buds that get light. If you keep it like that (and I think it's not a bad idea) Definitly do a scrog.
Yes I have thought about reveging and was planning on revegging all 6 of em. However, now I think if I reveg it will only be 1-2 PC and the 1 BB X CC. I have some LR#2 seeds I want to grow out aswell as some Trainwreck X Strawberry Diesel. Im not 100% sure what I am going to do yet. I love these chitrals.

I took off my plexiglass cover, put 2-in-1 socket adapters in some sockets and changed two 6500k 42 watters to 2700k 42 watters as I just started 12/12 today.

I had three of the 2-in-1 adapters not in use but need to buy two more to complete it but I hope the 45 degree-ish angle that the adapters give them better penetration. Hope everything is going well.

cfl lightbank for flower.JPG
Yo, I was wondering how your ladies are doing man?
i have a cfl set up of dayligh for my seedlins germination and sort with a few mix daylight for flower over 16 lights over30 thousand lummens temps in the high 70 in a tent( well a wallyworld portablecloset i lined with insulation awsome to see such great results with cfls love it look amazing,

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