Hi Peeps,
Today I finished harvesting a Gold. Here is a pic for you.
View attachment DSCF0589.JPGI have to tell you a story about the first part of this plant. Mr rb is quiet worried about the smell while harvesting,( thus, i do it when he is at work) so, last week I harvested 2/3 of this plant and for his benefit hung it in his shed. I put the heater on 72. Then we had company and I checked on it the next day, it was fine but the next day,when I went to the shed the temp in there was 92

. The buds were crisp, I was ticked, but had company so couldn't do anything about my tickedness. Anyway, I stuck them in a jar checked on them the next day and they are moist. PHEWY. I thought it was ruined but no, it wasn't.
I was going to harvest this guy today, but after thorough examination it isn't time yet. Which is weird cause his little mate

was ready last week.
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Now, I am considering taking fumar, I have never had such a ridiculous looking plant. I really thought it would win an ugly plant contest but it didn't. Can you tell I smoked some of her and I do believe she is ready, kinda makes me verbose. Big word verbose, i am so toasted I don't know but I think it means talk too much. Ok, I will take a pic of Fumar, it will be the last pic. I will thank her for her service and let her know I appreciate her but this is bon voyage for us.[/ATTACH]
Well, that's it for here, i hope this isn't too boring.