Rosebuds dirt journal

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Rosebud said:
I hear you about the bugs. I appreciate you caring that it works well. I will go to the H depot and get the biotone.
I was thinking a box of guano wouldn't hurt, it is used up faster then the soybean meal though huh.
It looks great, i loved seeing all the different colors of amendments and think of where they all came from, pretty fun stuff for an old stoner.

Guano is too expensive. Why I deleted it from first trial run. I actually didnt have castings on this current run. And so far see no difference. Get the bio-tone for sure.
i actually have guano on hand. Should i pour it in?
I will get the bio tone today. Thanks again. nouvelle.
sure, your welcome or sure pour it in? ha. Have you had your latte yet? I m on #2 oh and satori.
I like salted caramel mochas. Mmmmm. Sipping one now and writing holiday catering menus.

The sure was go ahead add it. Not sure if it's been talked about. But it's important you dont let them get to big vs how much hot soil you give them. For example. 1.5gal of hot soil(3gal pot) works perfect to yield 3oz plant. I know their are many factors in that equation. But flower a bit early your first run with it and get a feel for it. 2nd round, if they were lush upon harvest, veg a bit longer next time.
Hi RoseBud!!:ciao:

Thought I'd stop by to see whats growing on over here!!

Finals are done and I got 3.17 GPA this quarter. Gotta love it when a plan comes together!!

Speaking on plans, here's my batch of GChem, almost time to flip the switch and start chucking pollen!



Have a good one MP'ers!
Hey Os, nice to see you. That is a beauty. Looks great. Congrats on your 3.17. Good for you, i am proud.

The dirt is just waiting on the bio-tone. the depot doesn't have it.

I took some cuttings from a medicine woman in flower. I lost my last ones to 20% humidity..:eek: So now the humidity is 50 % I hope they clone ok.

My flower room is going well and looks like it should, here is some pic's, lights on sorry.DSCF1237.JPG

Thanks for coming by.

the MW is 16 days in and I am sorry i can't find in my diary when Jack went in. They look nice and green after the last grow of yellow.
Looking nice Rose :aok:
The dirt is just waiting on the bio-tone. the depot doesn't have it.

Walmart, Ace Hardware, Lowes, ect They all carry Bio-tone at least here in my area they do.
Rosy, I was so sorry to hear about your clone problem. I hope you manage to keep the strain you love. I missted my clones the other day and for some reason didn't close the dome. The humidity was very low, and by the time I remembered them, they were all drooping -- I sprayed them again and closed the dome, and they (most of them) came back nicely. I have decided to get rid of the Poison Mighty Mite -- it is too difficult to grow. I think I'll pop some cheese when the seeds get here from Attitude and replace the PMM with some CHEESE. I wish you well with youir dirt thing -- think I'll continue using the FFoF :) I read an artyicle yesterday about how chem nutes mimmic organic nutes so well that the plant can't tell the difference, and if the chems are not too hot even the microbes don't know the difference. I'm using both chem and organic nutes -- seems to work fine -- we will see. Good luck with the re-vedge. Let us know how it is progressing.

Thanks Hemper. Isn't great there are so many ways to grow?
when I see folks banging out big harvests with hydro...makes me pause, but the dirt is my thing.

I just posted elsewhere that I drank superthrive this morning. it is used for clones...glad i was organic if i am gonna be that stupid. lololo
Can You Believe I Did That? The guy at poisen control was really glad i was an organic gardner..sheesh.
I had done clones and had the superthrive setting in a juice glass, went to take some medicine and thought it was water and downed it.We had a good laugh, i have never done anything that dumb...well i probably have but not telling.

What are you taking next quarter Osborn? How many quarters left?

Here is my donated Burmese kush, trying to get the thrip under that is what is on the leaves.

Here is a pic of the flowering room with Medicine Woman. buku.JPG


Thanks for stopping by Os.
PP, your friend rose is a dork. It is true. I always thought i was fairly cool, but no, a dork it is.
What did it taste like Rose?
b vitamins with little pot stem clippings at the bottom of the glass.

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