OK, that was 3 days ago, 72 hours.
This is the fourth day, almost sunup and I just checked their moisture, watered them en-masse dipping the cubes half way in water with a 1/4 dose of veg fertilizer.
They all were sturdy and looked as good as they did 72 hours ago. No sagging or discoloration of the leaves, they look great. They all are perfect and growing like Kudzu!
I must have just learned the art of cloning. I can't believe it!
That is rockwool works better than root riot cubes, larger clones help too.
If they were going to sag they would have done it by now.
Evidently I have 24 Oregon Grown OG and 24 Satori clones!
So the new guy at the hydro store was right!
I did need rockwool cubes to clone in and the T-5 light uses very little electricity, 24 watts.
God is great Sabu...
The Poet...