1st bubble

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Budding artiste
Jul 27, 2018
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Took advantage of the bitter cold today my making my first batch of bubble hash. I used 3 1/2 oz of OG Kush, flower not trim, and a set of bubble bags.
It seemed to go well. After the 1st 160 micron bag, the rest all produced some nice clean bubble hash. It's in the freezer now. Later tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll micro-plane it into powder, then leave it to dry for a few days.
You used ice and not dry ice? It's getting to the low 20's here at night. Wondering if I could get away with doing it that way.
Yes, regular ice. It was in the 20s today and I worked in an unheated sun porch. Working in a cold room, virtually none of the ice melted, so I have a large bag left over. I ran the material three times. I used filtered store bought ice and spring water.
I always put mine in a Pyrex rectangular dish and chop it up fine. Wait a few hours and do it again. After a day or two, I try squishing a gram. Any detectable moisture and it gets pitched back in the dish and chopped up again.
Had a buddy that compressed his too soon. Wound up with a good looking puck that had mold in the middle. Really a bummer after all the work involved.
After five days drying, I put the hash away this morning. It probably didn't need that long but with a busy few days lately, I had no choice. It darkened considerably in that time. I set aside the first bubble bag (160?) batch to cook with, it was already dark coming out if the bucket. Combined the rest, rolled out with a hot wine bottle, and wound up with 7+g of dark Afghan style hash. This out of 3 oz plus of OG kush buds is about what I expected from my research. Exceptionally hard hitting, coughed and coughed this morning.
A friend put up some fresh frozen bud this year, he might run some through the bags and see what we like better. I froze some close trim from my indoor crop, but tossed it when I saw the outdoor stuff flourishing.
My oldest friend used to do the hot wine bottle trick. I honestly didn't care too much for it, but I never told him 'cause he thought so much of it.
I prefer the blond, spicy goodness that takes me back to my childhood. The smell, taste, and buzz are worth all the effort.
My oldest friend used to do the hot wine bottle trick. I honestly didn't care too much for it, but I never told him 'cause he thought so much of it.
I prefer the blond, spicy goodness that takes me back to my childhood. The smell, taste, and buzz are worth all the effort.
The bottle method was just something I heard online. I did want a solid texture as opposed to the semi powdery version as sold by the local dispensary.

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