Reverse Osmosis?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Hey Everyone,

Took the PPM of my water (120ish) and pH is ranges from 7 to 7.6. Do you think I will need to use reverse osmosis for my soil grow?

I've read that people don't like using RO water in soil, and I've heard people love using it.

Any suggestions?

I am using Earth Juice sea blast for a nutrient line.


I really dont think it would be necessary with your soil grow. Just get the water ready the day before then change it the next day giving the bad stuff in it a chance to evaporate.
Thanks for the replies.

I'm just worried about lockout occuring or some form of def.

I wouldn't be too worried unles I could taste something weird in it. There are places that you can take samples of your water to have it tested. It doesn't cost much and they don't ask any questions as everyone likes to know what they are drinking. I would do that to see before buying any filter systems.
bigweedo said:
Hey Everyone,

Took the PPM of my water (120ish) and pH is ranges from 7 to 7.6. Do you think I will need to use reverse osmosis for my soil grow?

I've read that people don't like using RO water in soil, and I've heard people love using it.

Any suggestions?

I am using Earth Juice sea blast for a nutrient line.



You're fine. Anything under 200PPM is good, 120 is great and that EJ will knock the pH right down.


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