Resurgam -grow log- (including "Flouros "PAR" Excellence?")

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tcbud said:
i dont know anything about light, but you are right on when it comes to the lunar stuff. the rule of thumb is, above ground crops plant at the full moon, below ground crops plant at the dark of the moon. i had no idea that it held for indoor growing tho.
i read the stuff about light and for some reason, it seems like a foriegn language. i need to study up on it....
good growing
the plants look great lonewolf

I use new or full (thanks for the root crop info I didn't know that) and don't touch them on the wane. Do you think you get better results planting on the full?
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Not All are "TempT" pictures (I'm still ironing out the kinks in the "TempT 2" design) -self-ballasting on to ceramic fluoros don't try this with HID, HPS or mercury halide-.









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The "Goblin'" up close and personal.

(looks like 4 maybe 5 ladies in the box from 7, not bad for regular -and two big lads I might have held on to for too long (doh!) we shall see-).



Oh yeah, on the fibre board adhesive question -you really seriously do not want to breathe this stuff!- the trick must be this -having experimented as I gained familiarity with the substance (don't ask)-, as follows; "Minimise any sawing or drilling, score the area with a sharp knife -nice and deep- several times, then see if you can insert a blade and gradually enlarge the hole -this stuff has a paper honeycomb between two layers of fibre board-, chances are you will only be able to cut one side at a time so using as tough and sharp a blade as possible -not serrated if you can help it, use a "BOA Versa" type saw if you must- and -as for all procedures involving this crap wear a mask (at least)- cut/saw your way through -keep any drilling to an absolute minimum and ventilate-. If you cannot get through however score as deeply as you can before attempting to punch the stuff through -whilst also attempting not to split the veneer and give the game away-. Once you have done this use a good vacuum cleaner and get rid of the stuff!, especially inside the door.

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Here's one I prepared earlier!
You will need wire coat-hangers for both the Goblin and the fermentation fact however you do not need to move the cage to maintain temperature (as I had thought), the kit will produce at approx one bubble/second for 2-4 weeks at anything between approx 22-32 centigrade (keep it between 24-29 for best results). The rule seems to be 300g sugar/litre (try it!).
Secongly PVA your venting space and fill with folded cardboard this imbolisies the MDF dust and seals the wound.
The 200w frost protectors have mounting screws on the inserted plank to allow variable height placement, the vents are velcroed over with black denim at night.

P.S Officianados will be pleased to note my 2.5 w ultra-quiet computer fan is now pushing air out through the top vent.





tcbud said:
i dont know anything about light, but you are right on when it comes to the lunar stuff. the rule of thumb is, above ground crops plant at the full moon, below ground crops plant at the dark of the moon. i had no idea that it held for indoor growing tho.
i read the stuff about light and for some reason, it seems like a foriegn language. i need to study up on it....
good growing
the plants look great lonewolf

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Babyish hermie progeny and her less favoured sister under my old 124w flowering fluoros (used for my aloes originally) and a 40w energy efficient supplement in the "TempT" (where I hope to start vegging 5 Mango under 400w of vegging fluoro on the next new moon -I would wait for the full this time but staggered growing ya know !-). Peace.
Inside the box I've reverted to 12 hours from eleven (slightly dodgey I know, balance those hormones!) and am fanning them today (it's warmer at the moment) to strengthen the branches (having rotated them this time to get even development with plenty of light penetration). The CO2 kit has been re-inoculated and is now doing what I aim for, chucking out a 5ml sq (or round) bubble every second

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Branching well now (well two of 'em are), I'm fanning to strengthen the branches and getting the flouros in the middle of 'em following some to-the-limit stressing (note two have folded not bent and they are both doing well). In terms of P.A.R they are over-catered for for the power of the fluoros and floorspace, so please bear this in mind when I post the results (400w/sq m -minimum recommended by "Envirolite"- vs. 648w/ sq m -my usage-*).

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*n.b This means I am using 324w in 0.5m sq.



Lonewolf said:
"Lunar oh yeah the more sensitive the kit the more you'll notice the influence of the lunar cycle. My cock ups forced a slight error recently and I will have to wait a quarter to sort it out (honestly). Clue: always plant waxing and transplant on the quarter don't during the wane and if you miss the new you won't get the plants to flower for the next full one and you'll have to veg 'em longer even if you have planted on the waxing moon (work it out)."

However harvesting on the wane may not be so problematic (I would greatly appreciate anyone with any expertise on this subject adding their understanding to ours on this thread as I am sure many people are very interested in making harmony with natural energies part of their growing programme).
Nice set up with the 5 Mango and 1 Speed Queen wolfie however have one 200w veg fluoro gives up the ghost after you've taken the picture and bollocks!
One left, so I might be forced to supplement this one with a Sylvania 75w (or two, if the other goes before I've finished). I'm now hoping the reds hold out, at least until I've finished the SQs (which are doing o.k)
However guys..
1. Plagron contains peat (yes peat).
2. How difficult can an F1 hybrid from landrace strains be to grow -respectfully- under fluoros (very, don't get anything even a little wrong)?
3. You don't get out for nowt! SQs ain't that easy organic fans, take note if you want to grow 'em.
Now who out there wants to produce us a decent range of peat free MJ soils? Speak up...

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The Goblin hunkering down for my five Mango and one SQ. I've ordered a 100w Sylvania Vegging Reflector for supplementation having lost one 200w fluoro. When I asked "Envirolite" they said fluoros can last anything between 6-18 months! They did however also warn me not to get the integral ballasts wet or allow dirt in etc. (not something I'm really guilty of) as you can bust your fluoros. So bollocks whatever happened that's one 200w fluoro dead after far less than six months continuous use.

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