Oh yeah, on the fibre board adhesive question -you really seriously do not want to breathe this stuff!- the trick must be this -having experimented as I gained familiarity with the substance (don't ask)-, as follows; "Minimise any sawing or drilling, score the area with a sharp knife -nice and deep- several times, then see if you can insert a blade and gradually enlarge the hole -this stuff has a paper honeycomb between two layers of fibre board-, chances are you will only be able to cut one side at a time so using as tough and sharp a blade as possible -not serrated if you can help it, use a "BOA Versa" type saw if you must- and -as for all procedures involving this crap wear a mask (at least)- cut/saw your way through -keep any drilling to an absolute minimum and ventilate-. If you cannot get through however score as deeply as you can before attempting to punch the stuff through -whilst also attempting not to split the veneer and give the game away-. Once you have done this use a good vacuum cleaner and get rid of the stuff!, especially inside the door.
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Here's one
I prepared earlier!
You will need wire coat-hangers for both the Goblin and the fermentation cage....
in fact however you do not need to move the cage to maintain temperature (as I had thought), the kit will produce at approx one bubble/second for 2-4 weeks at anything between approx 22-32 centigrade (keep it between 24-29 for best results). The rule seems to be 300g sugar/litre (try it!).
PVA your venting space and fill with folded cardboard this imbolisies the MDF dust and seals the wound.
The 200w frost protectors have mounting screws on the inserted plank to allow variable height placement, the vents are velcroed over with black denim at night.
P.S Officianados will be pleased to note my 2.5 w ultra-quiet computer fan is now pushing air out through the
top vent.