POTUS said:
The numbers say it all:
Members: 14,461
Members who give a rats azz about making Marijuana legal: 24
Marijuana will remain illegal forever. The lame response to this effort proves what I suspected.
Nobody really cares.
24 out of 14,461 members on a marijuana group.
I'll point this out in every thread about legalization I see.
Put your letters away folks we're wasting our time.
No wonder it's illegal. The people who enjoy it don't even have the balls to help make it legal.
Shame on everyone who read this thread and didn't help.
The "Letter to the President" effort is cancelled.
Marijuana will remain illegal forever.
Mods, please close this thread.
It's pointless and only shows the apathy of the membership.
It's embarrassing to even leave it open.
I'm ashamed of the entire group.
POTUS...you know I respect you and your thoughts, but to give up after what 4 DAYS.
You, my friend, is why MJ is having such a hard time getting legalized. 4 days and you have given up.
I have been a member of NORML for 19 years now. I will never stop my efforts.
You have to realize, that until the Feds get called off a bit, not many folks have the "testicles" to stand up and say "I grow weed and want to do so legally". Noone wants to get put on the "radar" of MJ hating politicians.
Everyone would be better off supporting a major orginazation, such as A.S.A., or thier local NORML chapter if the want to REALLY help.
Seriously, a few letters will do nothing. I do aggree POTUS, that a few MIillion letters will do wonders, but I don't think folks would send letters if they legalized animal porn.
In general, most folks are sheep man.
The biggest leap in MJ decrimilazation has come from MMJ states. This has all happened in the last 12 years, with Cali being the first. Now look man, 13 years later, and 13 states have MMJ on thier laws. Thats not progress??
These states are pushing the envelope. Alot of folks say Cali is out of control. Hell no. We are pushing the limits of how the law was written.
Just like a cop who interprets his veiw of how a law was written, the folks in Cali are doing the same with Dispensaries and collectives.
The Feds days are numbered man. 13 states have basically given the Federal goverment "the finger" and passed laws against the grain of the DEA. There are numerous court cases pending that will have long lasting effects on the cause.
The fight is not over man, and never will be.
Don't be a quitter.