Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

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If everyone sends the letter, it will be the first time stoner have united. This will scare the Gov't more than any bomb threat. I will be sending fourteen letter on 1/20/2010. Hope everyone joins Us.
i'm in. rough draft written while blaze'in this a.m. . :cool: .

if all the counties of my recession ridden state of michigan can come togeather on one thing, ( which we did in nov., to make mmj legal ), i think our letters will be in order for
I'm in the middle of writting a letter to HT & Treating Yourself (mag out of Canada) that they can post in their "readers letter" section in hopes to reach all those members too...
Post deleted by Stoney. Sorry folks. It was just an idea. For those who would like to, I think that would be wonderful.
I just read this thread.You know you got me Stoney.Arm in arm shoulder to shoulder,I'll ride this bus to the wheels fall off.Keep it GREEN:D
POTUS said:
The numbers say it all:

Members: 14,461

Members who give a rats azz about making Marijuana legal: 24

Marijuana will remain illegal forever. The lame response to this effort proves what I suspected.

Nobody really cares.

24 out of 14,461 members on a marijuana group.

I'll point this out in every thread about legalization I see.

Put your letters away folks we're wasting our time.

No wonder it's illegal. The people who enjoy it don't even have the balls to help make it legal.

Shame on everyone who read this thread and didn't help.

The "Letter to the President" effort is cancelled.

Marijuana will remain illegal forever.

Mods, please close this thread.

It's pointless and only shows the apathy of the membership.

It's embarrassing to even leave it open.

I'm ashamed of the entire group. know I respect you and your thoughts, but to give up after what 4 DAYS.
You, my friend, is why MJ is having such a hard time getting legalized. 4 days and you have given up.

I have been a member of NORML for 19 years now. I will never stop my efforts.

You have to realize, that until the Feds get called off a bit, not many folks have the "testicles" to stand up and say "I grow weed and want to do so legally". Noone wants to get put on the "radar" of MJ hating politicians.

Everyone would be better off supporting a major orginazation, such as A.S.A., or thier local NORML chapter if the want to REALLY help.

Seriously, a few letters will do nothing. I do aggree POTUS, that a few MIillion letters will do wonders, but I don't think folks would send letters if they legalized animal porn.
In general, most folks are sheep man.

The biggest leap in MJ decrimilazation has come from MMJ states. This has all happened in the last 12 years, with Cali being the first. Now look man, 13 years later, and 13 states have MMJ on thier laws. Thats not progress??
These states are pushing the envelope. Alot of folks say Cali is out of control. Hell no. We are pushing the limits of how the law was written.
Just like a cop who interprets his veiw of how a law was written, the folks in Cali are doing the same with Dispensaries and collectives.

The Feds days are numbered man. 13 states have basically given the Federal goverment "the finger" and passed laws against the grain of the DEA. There are numerous court cases pending that will have long lasting effects on the cause.

The fight is not over man, and never will be.

Don't be a quitter.
NorCalHal said: know I respect you and your thoughts, but to give up after what 4 DAYS.
You, my friend, is why MJ is having such a hard time getting legalized. 4 days and you have given up.

I have been a member of NORML for 19 years now. I will never stop my efforts.

You have to realize, that until the Feds get called off a bit, not many folks have the "testicles" to stand up and say "I grow weed and want to do so legally". Noone wants to get put on the "radar" of MJ hating politicians.

Everyone would be better off supporting a major orginazation, such as A.S.A., or thier local NORML chapter if the want to REALLY help.

Seriously, a few letters will do nothing. I do aggree POTUS, that a few MIillion letters will do wonders, but I don't think folks would send letters if they legalized animal porn.
In general, most folks are sheep man.

The biggest leap in MJ decrimilazation has come from MMJ states. This has all happened in the last 12 years, with Cali being the first. Now look man, 13 years later, and 13 states have MMJ on thier laws. Thats not progress??
These states are pushing the envelope. Alot of folks say Cali is out of control. Hell no. We are pushing the limits of how the law was written.
Just like a cop who interprets his veiw of how a law was written, the folks in Cali are doing the same with Dispensaries and collectives.

The Feds days are numbered man. 13 states have basically given the Federal goverment "the finger" and passed laws against the grain of the DEA. There are numerous court cases pending that will have long lasting effects on the cause.

The fight is not over man, and never will be.

Don't be a quitter.

Well said NCH :hubba: I have been a member of NORML my self for 5 years
I agree NorCal..shame on you Potus. The world can't be changed in a week, especially with today's legislation. It takes time to get the word out. It's time we take a stance.

I'm also tired of hearing people just sending emails and complain about the mj laws too, but it has to start somewhere, small or not. Also its not just about mj, its about the war on drugs as well. Its not working. I live in a predominantley Mormon state, not Utah, and I'm going to put up flyers around my college about this letter. I don't care if it gets ripped down, I'll just put another one up. If only one person gets the message its better than none.

Potus, aren't you tired of the gov't telling you how to live your life? Just recently in my state did the sale of liquor become legal to buy on Sundays. Us not being able to buy it on Sundays was soley based on religious implications, but we changed it as a state.

I already have two friends that have written thier letters, my girlfriend is also writing one, and my Republican Dad, who didn't know I smoked til about a year ago is also on board. We need to support eachother. We're a community. Be a crusader. Change doesn't happen over night like I said.

So only 24 people have let themselves be known. Its like, if you see a spider in your house, there are probably 20 others you haven't. I'm sure there are people who have read this that haven't posted that are on board, they just don't feel like they need to speak up on the site.

Life is cyclical, the 60's are coming back. We're starting to realize that America may not be so perfect and its us the people and not the CEO's and politicians of the country that make us who we are. Thats what they want us to believe, but we actually do have a voice. We just need to use it. As Jimmy V said, "Don't give up, don't ever give up."
There are probably many, many like me. I plan on writing a letter, as do most of my friends and family that I have discussed it with. I just didn't see a need to come here and post that I was (although I did vote in the poll).
Look around Bro, People do care. Letters from pot smokers is not the key to legalization, not at all. It's PUBLIC awareness. How does the Public become aware? Media.
We can write till our fingers bleed to no avail. The preception of "the old skool" generation has to change. And it is.

Major media is now doing stories on MMJ. This has NEVER happened. Media pressure is what makes policies change, not letters. I know POTUS, it is sad to say, but we both know it's true.

Just yesterday, Both the Huffington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle did stories blasting Obama on the recent raids in California. THE HUFFINGTON POST man. Mind you, it happened on his 2nd day in office, but the Media has allready been calling him out on his promise to end the raids.

That is what is going to change Federal policies man.

I am suprised that a man of your intelligance doesn't see the progress that we have made over the last 10 years. Maybe you live in a state that doesn't want to consider change, and that is why u are so pessimistic.

You say your not a quitter, because nothing has been started. Wake up my friend, how do you think we got this far?? It has allready started. Started long before your poll.

I do understand your frustration man. I too was hoping to see a bigger 'turnout" with the poll. But, the regulars here spoke up for the most part, and that is what counts. But don't pin your hopes on legalization on a minor forum thread. That is no indication of what will happen.

Really, we are the minority. The folks who posted in this thread are obviously interested in politics and the change that has occured during the last few months. Most "pot" smokers are younger, with little or no experience in voting, or the political process. These are the same folks who would not turn out for a rally in thier backyard, except to "smoke up dudes!" Not go to the rally for info and what they can do to help the cause. Catch my drift?

All it takes is a few folks. We have that. Now, we need the Media to help voice our concerns to the Major public..we have that too.

If you don't see the progress and change that has occured, you have blinders on.
POTUS said:
I don't share your optimism. I don't think they give a rats azz.

The shame isn't on me. It's on the more than 400 people who have read this thread and not shown any support by bothering to vote on the poll. If they can't be bothered to vote on a totally anonymous poll on a marijuana group, do you really think they'll trouble themselves to actually write a letter and send it off?

You're dreaming.

27 people.

Out of 14 thousand members.

It paints a truly apathetic picture.

I'm no quitter. To quit something, it first has to be started. This fell on it's collective azz and is nothing but a whine now.

Yes, 400+ people have looked at this thread BUT probably a certain percentage of those are "return viewers" like me, I know I have looked at this thread at least 5 times.

I am sure everyone of our members WANTS to decriminalize MJ but fact is out of 14,000+ members I would give a percentage of half? maybe, come back all the time:confused: idk and second I guarantee a big chunk of those are LEO, and they for sure could give a ratz azz (because you guys think that MJ is SOO bad:confused:, idiots) , all I know is that when I am here I see most all the same people on line.

We have a whole year to let this thread sit here SO just give it some time, the more people that come back and visit they will see and join the cause :hubba: I am...

Maybe a Mod could sticky it so it does not get lost? :)
NorCalHal said:
Look around Bro, People do care. Letters from pot smokers is not the key to legalization, not at all. It's PUBLIC awareness. How does the Public become aware? Media.
We can write till our fingers bleed to no avail. The preception of "the old skool" generation has to change. And it is.

Major media is now doing stories on MMJ. This has NEVER happened. Media pressure is what makes policies change, not letters. I know POTUS, it is sad to say, but we both know it's true.

Just yesterday, Both the Huffington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle did stories blasting Obama on the recent raids in California. THE HUFFINGTON POST man. Mind you, it happened on his 2nd day in office, but the Media has allready been calling him out on his promise to end the raids.

That is what is going to change Federal policies man.

I am suprised that a man of your intelligance doesn't see the progress that we have made over the last 10 years. Maybe you live in a state that doesn't want to consider change, and that is why u are so pessimistic.

You say your not a quitter, because nothing has been started. Wake up my friend, how do you think we got this far?? It has allready started. Started long before your poll.

I do understand your frustration man. I too was hoping to see a bigger 'turnout" with the poll. But, the regulars here spoke up for the most part, and that is what counts. But don't pin your hopes on legalization on a minor forum thread. That is no indication of what will happen.

Really, we are the minority. The folks who posted in this thread are obviously interested in politics and the change that has occured during the last few months. Most "pot" smokers are younger, with little or no experience in voting, or the political process. These are the same folks who would not turn out for a rally in thier backyard, except to "smoke up dudes!" Not go to the rally for info and what they can do to help the cause. Catch my drift?

All it takes is a few folks. We have that. Now, we need the Media to help voice our concerns to the Major public..we have that too.

If you don't see the progress and change that has occured, you have blinders on.

:yeahthat: :aok:
I'm in and i'm going to post this on a few other sites, if you don't mind P.
NorCalHal said:
If you don't see the progress and change that has occured, you have blinders on.
Yes, I see it. Thorn just posted an example of the chages in her country; they made it MORE illegal.

Having it as a sticky may help..... Yo Mods!

(The vote and responce threads)

I've done what I can. I'll watch and see how it works.
I participated in the poll, and it will not be the first letter I have written to the president. Or to a congressman, or a senator, or to the gov like the one I just wrote him asking when we would be looking at a vote in our state on med marijuana.

People on here are with you, posting to this thread means squat, brother. But if you need my words now, here they are.
mistisrising said:
I participated in the poll, and it will not be the first letter I have written to the president. Or to a congressman, or a senator, or to the gov like the one I just wrote him asking when we would be looking at a vote in our state on med marijuana.

People on here are with you, posting to this thread means squat, brother. But if you need my words now, here they are.
Then put a letter to the President in the mail on January 20th, 2010. Tell him that marijuana should be legalized and have the same laws as booze. Tell him how the US Government will save BILLIONS of our tax dollars by not wasting them on enforcing laws against marijuana. Tell the President how it will also make Billions in tax revenue.

Tell him to end the stupidity.

Just do it on January 20th, 2010.
i've been waiting a long time for someone to come up with a simple big idea that is a sure fire way to make the change we all need i will be printing off copies of this grand scheme to include as many as i know

thanx potus

fire it up
ktownlegend said:
i've been waiting a long time for someone to come up with a simple big idea that is a sure fire way to make the change we all need i will be printing off copies of this grand scheme to include as many as i know

thanx potus

fire it up
Thanks KT, make sure they all know that the letter is to be sent on Jan 20th, 2010. Not before. We're trying to slam the Post Office and the White House mail room. The media will grab it during the slam.

Here's the steps:

1. Everyone mails their letter on January 20th, 2010

2. The Post Office gets slammed with MILLIONS of letters that are above and beyond their usual work load. At this point, it will probably get a mention in the news. Maybe even a copy of one of the letters.

3. The White House mail room starts dealing with the MILLIONS of letters. The White House media of course hears about it and a story is written on the AP wires.

4. The letters keep pouring in by the thousands. The news stories start multiplying world wide.

5. The President HAS to deal with it. It's in his face. The President is aware at this point that MILLIONS of voters are watching his actions.

Does he then make it legal or does he follow his predecessors?


On January 20th, 2010.

It really is that simple.
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