Just a spot of confusion on my part, thought this was clear until I looked harder.
"...if you monitor heat temperatures, you can tell when the lighter weight VOC's are boiling off and when it is water."
"If you vent to atmosphere until your head temperature reaches 100C/212F and then pass that through your condenser until head temperature begins to rise, and then stop and dump the higher boiling point tails and repeat, you will have separated the water fraction from those lighter and heavier than water , as well as its water-soluble mineral content."
To bubba means:
bring kettle with top off until 110C/212F. Then close it up and begin its travel through condenser, until head temp begins to rise, and then dump the higher boiling point tails and repeat.
To Bubba means: when temps begin to rise, towards end of run, temps will rise, which means the alky is done so throw out the tails, or dump in next batch what ever.
Makes sense temps would rise, alcohol boils off lower, once gone water requires more heat. Not sure how heat goes up,
but I can accept that it does.