Any college students? You guys could do a lot and still earn your grades. Let's say you get a project, like we all did, to write a paper, as long as MM fits into the criteria for the paper write it. Also you guys know who smokes up there, get involved get them involved. In my mind awareness is one of the keys to decriminalization.
If we educate people and make sure it's in their face, not shoved of course, people tend to pay attention whether they realize it or not.....ignorance is what we are fighting. If we educate the ignorant the gov't lost one of it's weapons.....they can only lie for so long.
Also everyone has a job and or hobbies, think what could you do with these....nothing to get you fired though. But as an example I do branding and design for the web and print. I own a canvas printer, which means I can print off banners and signage WITHOUT anyone else knowing. Also I could build a web site to raise awareness. I could make Tee shirts, flyers, bumper stickers, anything really. Point is to put it out there.
Once again I'm not asking or advising anyone to do anything that would endanger themselves or others we need to respect people, this also goes along way towards the cause. Imagine for a moment your grand mother (I know but it's just an example of someone from a different generation), now if someone like me tried to approach her she might not like me or what I have to say. But imagine a clean cut lawyer, doctor, a sweet college girl, a CEO or just anyone who seems not threatening and speaks nicely and properly, dresses respectfully and shows respect you're gonna have some people listen.
Also tell people about, but don't act like you are working for them, that would be wrong, also don't attach their name to anything you may print up without their permission that's also wrong.
If you do talk to people approach them in a nice way and don't harass them just say thank you and have a nice day.
Come on you guys have to have some ideas, not trying to be condesending but we need more activity here in the MM section, it's important.
Hasn't anyone every heard that ignorance kills or the pen is mightier than the sword or knowledge is power.
I would also be curious to see if there are any forums where anti and pro MM can get together and debate. Just imagine if they did hold public debates, people with knowledge would blow the establishment right out of the water, the gov't doesn't lie very well and the it's bad for you and it's addictive is only go to fly for so long. It's about time the establishment changes up their lies BTW they're getting stale LOL.
And don't be afraid to pipe up, I don't care how dumb you think the idea is POST IT, you never know.
I forgot one of the most important things talk to your friends and if you can your family, just keep in mind they might not agree but I talked to my family and I have like a half half reaction but still awareness like many many things starts at home.
* A little off topic but my friend has a 12 year old, she has informed the school that her son is not to sit in or participate in any DARE events AT ALL. She told them she will talk to her son about drugs and the drug war, she thinks teaching kids the dangers of drugs is good but not their whole message...which is pot is bad, people who use are bad/criminal. She said she took a lot of heat for it but I can respect her decision. She is right, the propaganda starts in school, we all know that. In fact I have been told that at certain DARE assemblies there have even been speakers who encourage children to tell them if they know someone using or selling drugs, IMO this is wrong you can't use children like this, they don't understand the consequences and it's dangerous. JUST END THE guys started it, and all the violence and crime that goes with it not us the citizen but you the powers that be, you have the power to make things safer for us all even LEO, and to change the way people look at this plant, it's medicine for god's sake...don't you guys have family, don't you love your mom's, change the laws and do it soon, THE DRUG WAR is killing people and messing kids up. It's something we all need to promote at all times. END THE WAR ON DRUGS it doesn't work and it's causing a war to be waged on the very citizens that are part of your country. Everytime a kid gets killed due to random drug violence of course the shooter is guilty but so is the gov't. THEY NEED TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY VIOLENT DEATH. MJ has never killed anyone but the enforcement of the MJ laws has, I ask you this. Is this what we call protection? Is this what we call compassion? Know this is what I call a dirty greedy lie that kills and ruins the social fabric of our country.