Raccoon Killing Time!

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Hick said:
well he ain't no Jerry Clower...:p

I found lass's response confused/confusing, also. Interesting that it's "ok" for the coons to assert their place in the 'food chain, but not so for effen to assert 'his' dominant position over them in the same natural chain... :confused2:
No offense intended Lass, but I find responses like that are most often "emotionally" based,(poor li'l racoons) and really do not reflect reality or 'good common sense'. The fact is, the coons are an imminent threat to not only his family and pets, but to the entire neighborhoods families, pets, gardens, ect.
I don't understand how protecting them is any less a natural avenue of pursuit, than the coons natural instinct to be a sneak thief. If say, a pack rat came into the coons lair to steal the coy that she had brought home to her brood, would the coon be wrong in eliminating it? (poor lil packrat) ;)
Or would it be different, if effen were removing them because they were eating say his sweet corn?

I don't want this to degrade into an argument over "animals rights", but I would like to gain a better understanding of your views.

This is an excellent queston, Hick.
I have four dogs and a couple of cats at this time, have had as many as a dozen dogs at a time, LOL. I moved from Atlanta to the mountanis of western NC seven years ago and almost immediately began taking in homeless dogs. It took a while to learn that the mountain folks still do things the way their fathers did---and spaying or neutering animals is not common. So, literally dozens (well, hundreds) of homeless dogs and cats too---wander the roads, searching for food.

But I digress. Anyway, I noticed that my (many!) dogs seem to have a certain...well, what I call, "Doggy Politics"! Say one has a chew toy. The others do NOT attempt to take it, BUT they WILL sit and watch....waiting for the moment the dog-with-the-toy momentarily forgets, is distracted...and walks away. THEN, some other dog can take the toy.
Now...the first dog, the one who did have the toy....seems to understand he has losat the right to it. He wont rtry to re-take it...he will join the watchers, waiting pariently for the new toy owner to momentarily lose his focus and walk away.

or even just LOOK away!

But...the thing is...arent we, as humans...supposed to be a "higher" life form?
I knew this woman when I was 14 who worked in a lab. I was very impressed because she wore a white lab coat, was a "grown up" and drove a car. She worked at Emory University in one of the drug labs. She said to me that sometimes she held a lab rat in her hands and felt a rush knowing she held the power of life and death over the mouse/rat. She could "test" that rat with a new drug OR give it the placebo, at her whim. She said, "
Sometimes, I just hold a white mouse and think, I could just squeeze it til it dies if I want to."
Then she said, "But you know what? I also realize I can also choose NOT to...and let it live...and that's power, too."

For reasons I can only guess at, we humans do hold that power over every living creature. Yes, we CAN kill them ...if they eat our Koi, if they steal a sheep, if they bite our kid, if they...are just there and we dont want them to be. We have that power.

But we CAN choose NOT to kill them.

They say there are "no atheists in a foxhole". LOL, well, prolly not.
There are also no atheists when he has cancer, or his kid has been diagnosed with leuikemia. Trust, me, anybody will quickly become religious when their kid is diagnosed with a fatal illmess. You will pray, find a Voodoo woman..., go to Lourdes..whatever.

So...we humans, we powerful humans...will pray to a god we didnt even believe in yesterday...to please save the life of our kid, our spouse, ourselves. We beg for mercy, for compassion, for healing to this Being that may or may NOT be there.

Now...I dont expect a raccoon prays much. or a lab rat. Or even my beloved dogs. But I do know this: every living being, even a paramecium, may opnly have one "thought", but that "thought" is, "I want to live." We all want, 100%, whether we're a rat or a human...to live. Is my 100% bigger than a coons 100%?

To a coon, dog, cat, frog, fish...we ARE god. If they could pray...we would be the God they address, "Please, let me live."

Maybe there is a God who hears our little human prayers. Maybe not. I dont know. But I know I HOPE there is. And I hope He/She/It will hear me and let me live.

So...how different am I from a coon, coyote, lab rat? Am I really more special, more beloved by God? Frankly, If I were God...I wouldnt be putting the humans in First Place.

We all want to live, feed our young and just....live.

Can we pray to that God that may be there to save out kid from cancer while at the same time, managing to not notice the coon that offers the same prayer for survival to US, the "gods" of his universe? Can we hope for compassion when we dont also give it? IF God is dissapointed by ANY of His/Her/It's Creations...which species do you suppose it is?

As if...we humans really are special,. somehow? Yes, we have bigger brains...and free will. And just LOOK what we've done with those Gifts!

Karma is karma. We all kind of get it. If you extend compassion, you have a better chance of receiving compassion.

You CAN shoot the coon, stab the bear with a spear, squeeze the lab mouse. You bet. You have that power.

But you also have the power to choose NOT to. Out of simple empathy for a Being over whom you have the power of Life and Death, just as God holds that same Power over you and me.

Which decision puts you in a position to ask for mercy/compassion/healing from the God of Man?

This is just me talking now and I dont know crap. But I do have a .45 in a towel up in the closet and I COULD kill me a possum coon, stray dog, coyote, hell I could shoot a bluejay. Woowoo. I choose NOT to.

Why do I own a gun? LOL...because somebody gave it to me, actually, saying he was worried about me, an "old blind broad living alone". And really, I DO feel better, just knowing it's there. I do. For one thing, IF one of my dogs got hit by a car, mauled by a bear or wild hog and was seriously hurt, Im glad I have a method to stop his suffering instantly.

Where I live, I havent even locked my door, go to town and leave the front door standing wide open. I LOVE this place! In Atlanta, I uused to have to nudge the occassional wino awake in my yard, saying, "listen man...you gotta GO." Hookers were blowing guys in my driveway! LOL! I didnt even own the damn gun then...but now, well, Im a gun owner and glad of it. I prob oughta take it out of the guestroom closet and take it down to my room....in case some Ice junky breaks in, and doesnt get eaten by the dogs...would I shoot an intruder?

BET YER ***!


Because a HUMAN who chooses to break in to MY house oughta KNOW BETTER. This makes him unlike a coon, a possum or a rattlesnake. If I found a rattler in my bed, Id get him out of my house, you bet...but without klilling him. A human crack addict choosing to hit the old blind lady's house...has made a serious error in judgement.

Okay. Ive had my macha moment. In truth, yeah, Id shoot...but Id prolly aim at his knee and give him a serious lecture while waiting for the damn ambulance.

"no atheists in a foxhole".........we ARE god....we would be the God they address....the "gods" of his universe...God is dissapointed...just as God holds
hee hee.. and I was concerned about this turning into a politcal thread..:p

Whether by grace of someones God, or because I have a larger brain, free will and an articulating thumb... I AM king of my domain. I guess it all boils down to "how" we choose to impose our will on that domain that is important.
I refuse to discuss religious aspects, IMO it has nothing to do with the subject. Muslim, christian, jewish, buhdists, ect.. all "preach" of the sanctity of life, unfortunately they have all failed at some point in history of 'practicing' what they 'preach'.. and I'm not a huge follower or fan of any of them.
We aren't going to agree on many of the finer points, I can see that...
But I would like to comment on a couple of your statements.. "doggy politics"..;)
In any "pack" or family group, there is always an alpha.. a dominate individual.. If that alpha were to want the chew toy, all it requires is a very subtle gesture, probably not even noticed by someone unfamiliar with canine communication. A slight 'lip curl'.. or simply a dominate stance, head held above the lesser dog, tail held high. Any challenge to superiority is not tolerated in a nature.

Something we DO agree on, is the " a HUMAN who chooses to break in to MY house oughta KNOW BETTER."..."would I shoot an intruder?

BET YER ***!"
Absolutely!... and I would also assume that the intruder had "intention to harm". Premeditated intention... and would recieve no compassion.
A word of advice ;) the kneecap is a pretty small target :p aim dead center. He can listen to your lecture just as well with a hole in his belly as in his leg, and you're far more likely to make the shot :)
Glad you got out of Atlanta :) sounds like a real nice place.
ArtVandolay said:
There's an awful lot of bad language in that thar post :). And I don't subscribe to any of your **, especially your "All Life is Sacred" theory. I repeat - a 12 gauge and/or a .22 in the head is an effective solution to a real problem:).

O I DO so hate to offend! Im sure the words I used have NEVER passed YOUR lips!
" 12 gauge and/or a .22 in the head is an effective solution to a real problem:)"
Truer words were never spoken. Especially when you add the little smiley faces. Who could possibly disagree with such sage wisdom as that? If something pisses you off, by all means, blow it's head off. That's certainly been the credo of Mankind for 100,000 years or so, give or take...and just look how well it's worked for us so far.

Of course, things have changed since Cro Magnon times. Back then, we used big rocks to bash each other's heads in. Now we're civilized, doncha know, enlightened. No need for messy close-up killing, anymore. Thanks to Modern Technology, hey...we can now kill small animals or humans from a nice, safe bloodless distance.

So...since I have this problem with this neighbor who wants to kill my dogs...should I use the 12 guage, a .22 or my own .45, do you think?

Reason I ask is, hey a coon is just a coon and a Koi is just a fish...but a lowlife fifth grade educated mortar forker ice hole who DARES to threaten MY dogs...well, that Sunny Beach NEEDFS to die.
Dont you think?

tcbud said:
I would like you kind people to know I will not be shooting or paintballing any dogs. I have been putting up with the dog crap, and do miss the deer grazing near my home, for years now. They are my nieghbors and there will be no fued over something like this. I live in the woods, You would think the dogs could find a place away from the house. Mostly they do.

I live with animals and enjoy the heck out of them, these animals all have ticks and fleas. They are wild. When in a pinch in my life I have eaten poached deer, easier to eat than poached eggs.

I do not leave out garbage for the racoons or bears. I do not put out a salt lick for the deer (I have thot of it tho, but the dogs would have a heyday). I dont build ponds and stock them with fish and expect wild animals to leave those fish alone. I grow my plants, mind my own business, and expect the same treatment from humans. I also enjoy the owls near my home, but would have rathered all the spotted owl were dead everywhere, as the childern here are hurt by less money for schools because of less timber sales on government lands. Kids should come before owls.

I am not a tree hugger, tho there are some trees on the California Coast that should be preserved in my opinion. Things are never black or white, life is more shades of grey.

I really like this forum and threads like these are one reason why. Diversity.

Man...I wish YOU were my neighbor!

Hick said:
great post tc, I think we're in total agreement ;) ....and to elaborate on my "paintball" post, I caught one of these dogs (a BIG St bernard no less) exiting "my" chicken coop, with one of "my" chickens in his mouth.
I contacted my local deputy. He informed me that I was perfectly within my rights to shoot and kill "any" threat to my animals or personal property. IMO.. as a farmer/rancher, "animal lover", it is not only my 'right', but my duty to protect 'my' domestic animals.
Now, I know the ppl that own the dogs. I kow some have children and these are their 'pets'. I would never want to injure or kill any kids pet, and that is exactly what I told the deputy. But you know what?.. after sending only two home with paintball on them, the problem ceased! I didn't have the unsavory chore of killing anything, or "seeing" my personal property destroyed.
The same ppl that condemn the dog, coyote, wolfe, bear, 'coon, ect.(predator) shooting, would also be the first to condemn me if I were not feeding, watering, or otherwise "taking care" of them properly as abuse.
I live with, and have lived with wild animals for the better part of 50+ years. I feel that gives me at least, some sembelance of authority to speak of my experience. I'm an avid hunter and have been for 40 years. As such, "I" am most concerned with the welfare of wild animals. I buy in excess of $300 worth of liscences every year. THAT money goes directly to supporting wildlife. Over that time frame, I have given in the neighborhood of 12 thousand dollars toward the maintenance and control of our wildlife. Our DOW recieves $0 from the 'general fund'.(no taxpayer funds) It is funded primarily by the purchase of liscences.
Without naming names or pointing fingers, I wonder if any of the complaining crowd have given so much as 12 dolllars in that time.
Nearlly all of my neighbors have bear problems. They have bird feeders, hummingbird feeders, corn for the turkeys(btw is also illegal). They put their garbage out, they leave pet food out. Yet they call the division of wildlife to complain..and ask for $$ as reparation. :confused2:... DOW then spends my monies, to trap and relocate the bear "when" possible.
"I" don't have those problems. But "I" don't bait them. On the rare occasion that a "conditioned" bear enters my domain, I use tactics that makes it an.. unpleasant.. experience. In the words of a wise old DOW officer.."A fed bear is a dead bear".
We have had at least 3 incidents of bears entering homes this year already, while ppl and their kids were present!.. There is nothing "natural" about that. Those bears have become 'conditioned'. Accustomed to human presents, AND associate it with food. It isn't the bears fault. It is the people's...

It may surprise you, but I wholeheartedly support and agree with you.
In the Old Days, folks would load their shotguns with rock salt and it's amazing how a butt-load of salt tends to make bears, dogs, coons and coyotes NOT come back to your land.

LassChance said:
O I DO so hate to offend! Im sure the words I used have NEVER passed YOUR lips!
" 12 gauge and/or a .22 in the head is an effective solution to a real problem:)"
Truer words were never spoken. Especially when you add the little smiley faces. Who could possibly disagree with such sage wisdom as that? If something pisses you off, by all means, blow it's head off. That's certainly been the credo of Mankind for 100,000 years or so, give or take...and just look how well it's worked for us so far.

Of course, things have changed since Cro Magnon times. Back then, we used big rocks to bash each other's heads in. Now we're civilized, doncha know, enlightened. No need for messy close-up killing, anymore. Thanks to Modern Technology, hey...we can now kill small animals or humans from a nice, safe bloodless distance.

So...since I have this problem with this neighbor who wants to kill my dogs...should I use the 12 guage, a .22 or my own .45, do you think?

Reason I ask is, hey a coon is just a coon and a Koi is just a fish...but a lowlife fifth grade educated mortar forker ice hole who DARES to threaten MY dogs...well, that Sunny Beach NEEDFS to die.
Dont you think?


The man told you to keep your dogs off his property. He has every right NOT to have your animals on his land.So if you alow your dogs on his property it's YOUR fault when they get shot. Regardless of local ordinances, pets, whether they be dogs,cats or whatever should be resonably and responsibly kept on thier owners property. I am a lifetime dog owner but if your dogs came on my property, after you had been told to keep them off, I would feel bad, but they would still be dead.
People who take position that because you live "out in woods" you can allow your pet to roam free are not responsible pet owners. When they leave your property you have surrendered that animals health and safety to the whims of your niehbors. If they are shot, poisoned, or run over by a car you're at fault. If your willing to let them wander freely you don't care about thier welfare thier just an accessorie to your ego and existance.
You try to sound like, and probably believe you are, a good steward of your animals. But regardless of how friendly your animals might be if you're allowing them to roam around outside of your sight and control, your not.
If you can't see them and don't know where they are, they might as well be abandoned. If they are not inside a fenced in enclosure they are succeptable to attacks by cruel people, other stray dogs, or rabbid wildlife.
Before you take issue and act in a holier than thou manner in regards to how people safegaurd thier property from marauding vermin, take a few minuets to prevent your animals from becoming the kind of wandering pests someone might want to shoot. As much as you might like to see yourself as an animal rights supporter the fact of the matter is ANIMALS DON"T HAVE RIGHTS. They exist at mans mercy. When they become problematic (or plump and tasty) thier done.
LassChance said:
Man...I wish YOU were my neighbor!


If you were my neighbor, would you keep your dogs off my property? keep their poop on yours? keep them from chasing deer and fox? keep them from digging nice holes in my bank as they go after ground squirels? In otherwords would you contain your dogs, chain, cage or otherwise constrain? If so, I wish you were my neighbor too. Maybe we could even share a cuppa tea and a bong hit or two? Or would you let your dogs run free and do what my neighbors dogs do?
Dogs and cats dont have "rights", beyond being treated humanely. Here they (dogs and cats) are considered property. And at my home considered a nuisance, tho they do go home when I yell at them, or head that way anyway. I dont consider it "humane" to allow your animals out of your imediate juristiction (no farther from you than you can see them in other words).

And I still think Racoons should not be "baited". People should take some responsiblity for all trash or "bait" left in the yard. If something gets into it, fix the problem, lock it up, nail it down. No more problem. Tho with effin here, I am still thinkin' the dead racoons relatives are gonna get him.:D
LassChance said:
O I DO so hate to offend! Im sure the words I used have NEVER passed YOUR lips!
" 12 gauge and/or a .22 in the head is an effective solution to a real problem:)"
Truer words were never spoken. Especially when you add the little smiley faces. Who could possibly disagree with such sage wisdom as that? If something pisses you off, by all means, blow it's head off. That's certainly been the credo of Mankind for 100,000 years or so, give or take...and just look how well it's worked for us so far.

Of course, things have changed since Cro Magnon times. Back then, we used big rocks to bash each other's heads in. Now we're civilized, doncha know, enlightened. No need for messy close-up killing, anymore. Thanks to Modern Technology, hey...we can now kill small animals or humans from a nice, safe bloodless distance.

So...since I have this problem with this neighbor who wants to kill my dogs...should I use the 12 guage, a .22 or my own .45, do you think?

Reason I ask is, hey a coon is just a coon and a Koi is just a fish...but a lowlife fifth grade educated mortar forker ice hole who DARES to threaten MY dogs...well, that Sunny Beach NEEDFS to die.
Dont you think?


I knew you would come around, Lass! How does it feel for the sun to shine on you for a change? :) If you need any help with anything else, just let me know. Glad to help :)

Oh, one more thing. I don't make the rules here, I just pointed out that you broke them :).
BBFan said:
I thought cracker was a slur about a white person of low intelligence or class.

Bingo. That's exactly right. The stereotypical image of a Southerner as a trailer dwelling, cousin marrying, hard drinking fundamentalist member of the KKK who beats his wife and kids is all too common. Noooo...those are crackers, not Southerners in general. Crackers give Southerners a bad name.

The Effen Gee said:
It has been scientifically proven that carrots "Scream" to their bretheren when you pull them out of the ground.

I am willing to make the claim that cannabis also emits high amounts of pheramones when you start cutting them down.

All life is all life including whatever you eat.
Matter cannot be destroyed, only altered from one form to another.

Don't you fret Lass, I am sure we will all kill ourselves before we wreck the place too bad.

...But before you get all bent out of shape about guns, animals and killing I invite you to:

A, Spend a week in the woods without one. Really deep in there...where there ARE predators bigger than you.

B, Do a little reading on what kind of threats the very un-endangered raccoon poses to the neighborhood.

C, I hope to god that you don't eat meat and own no leather.

D, Try to not be such a man hating, gun hating, wanting to use guns to kill gun users kind of person. Sounds a little crazy to me.

Sage advice, Im sure.
However, Ive lived in Brooklyn and east Baltimore. So, it takes something a bit bigger and a great deal badder than a raccoon to scare me.

I kill a groundhog about once a week. The only ones I shoot are the ones that go into my garden. 1" outside the garden I won't shoot, the second they touch one of the plants that I am growing for food, I shoot, those are the rules of engagement I have put in place for myself. Technically, I could shoot every one of them I see, they are a nuisance animal in my area, I choose to only shoot the ones that touch my food.

Some people say that using a gun is inhumane. I use a .223, more than adequate caliber for something so small, nothing that size suffers with a direct hit from that. I'm very good with that firearm, and my garden is well within my range so my shots are accurate, single, kill shots. Now some on here would like to bring up the food chain and debate what is natural and what is not. The groundhogs are only doing what is natural, and I have no intentions of eating them, so does that make me wrong? Or is it ok to defend one's food? IMO, the food chain does not just include killing for food, it includes defending your food. If I just scared the animal away he would be back the next day. I'm not going to trap him and take him to someone elses farm so he can do the same thing to them.

I too own a pitbull. He weighs about 98 lbs and is very game. Best dog I have ever owned in my life exceptionally well trained. SCHI CH. Some on here have seen pictures of him, I've posted them on this site. Would it be more natural for me to give him the ok to get it? Unintentionally he has gotten a hold of several small nuisance animals that unknowingly wandered into the wrong yard. I can assure you it isn't pretty, but he will eat what he kills. (until Dad(me) catches what he is doing and promptly puts an end to it). My mind will not be changed, I am an avid supporter of wildlife organizations, but my house is my castle, nothing(beast or person) will take food away from me without a fight.

Effen, based on some of your previous posts I am sure you are an accurate shot. Your pellet gun is a .177 caliber weapon. They do make .177 guns that fire actual bullets specifically for varmint. I would look into one, they are really quiet, your neighbors probably wouldn't even realize you fired a gun. You could even add a scope to it depending on the range at which you are firing. I'm sorry for you loss, I really enjoy a nice pond. While some on here may bash you for doing what you did, I support it. Those were your pets, what makes them less valuable than a cat or a dog? I assure you that if a bear came, and was attacking any persons dog on here they would not just sit by and watch, even though the bear is higher on the food chain. Everything is relative and you can't judge someone for their decisions when there morals might differ from your own. It is ok to disagree quietly, but no need to bash. I am really rambling, sorry, but I hope I got my point across.
Well put Mike! We are on the same page. I don't go looking for raccoons to kill, but when they break in to my chicken or duck pen to kill my animals, then out comes the 12 gauge, and I don't quit until the problem is solved. I love animals of all kinds, but there are rules at benny's house, too. Mess with my family, pets or possessions and you will pay.
:holysheep: What a thread! It's true what they say about animals making good human interest stories. And yes, I do mercilessly kill bugs that attack my plants. I knew a neighbor who trapped a racoon and drove a steel spike through it to kill it. I thought that was pretty gruesome. Anyway, my 2 cents is to trap it and drown it or something. This is probably one of the most interesting threads I've ever read.
LassChance said:
Bingo. That's exactly right. The stereotypical image of a Southerner as a trailer dwelling, cousin marrying, hard drinking fundamentalist member of the KKK who beats his wife and kids is all too common. Noooo...those are crackers, not Southerners in general. Crackers give Southerners a bad name.


So...You knew what you were saying when you slurred your neighbors with that "Cracker" comment. And I thot you didnt know. I take back what I said in the PM I sent you and you never replied to. Never did you say a word after I called you a bigot, I guess I know why now, you my not friend are one.
cadlakmike1 said:
I kill a groundhog about once a week. The only ones I shoot are the ones that go into my garden. 1" outside the garden I won't shoot, the second they touch one of the plants that I am growing for food, I shoot, those are the rules of engagement I have put in place for myself. Technically, I could shoot every one of them I see, they are a nuisance animal in my area, I choose to only shoot the ones that touch my food.

Some people say that using a gun is inhumane. I use a .223, more than adequate caliber for something so small, nothing that size suffers with a direct hit from that. I'm very good with that firearm, and my garden is well within my range so my shots are accurate, single, kill shots. Now some on here would like to bring up the food chain and debate what is natural and what is not. The groundhogs are only doing what is natural, and I have no intentions of eating them, so does that make me wrong? Or is it ok to defend one's food? IMO, the food chain does not just include killing for food, it includes defending your food. If I just scared the animal away he would be back the next day. I'm not going to trap him and take him to someone elses farm so he can do the same thing to them.

I too own a pitbull. He weighs about 98 lbs and is very game. Best dog I have ever owned in my life exceptionally well trained. SCHI CH. Some on here have seen pictures of him, I've posted them on this site. Would it be more natural for me to give him the ok to get it? Unintentionally he has gotten a hold of several small nuisance animals that unknowingly wandered into the wrong yard. I can assure you it isn't pretty, but he will eat what he kills. (until Dad(me) catches what he is doing and promptly puts an end to it). My mind will not be changed, I am an avid supporter of wildlife organizations, but my house is my castle, nothing(beast or person) will take food away from me without a fight.

Effen, based on some of your previous posts I am sure you are an accurate shot. Your pellet gun is a .177 caliber weapon. They do make .177 guns that fire actual bullets specifically for varmint. I would look into one, they are really quiet, your neighbors probably wouldn't even realize you fired a gun. You could even add a scope to it depending on the range at which you are firing. I'm sorry for you loss, I really enjoy a nice pond. While some on here may bash you for doing what you did, I support it. Those were your pets, what makes them less valuable than a cat or a dog? I assure you that if a bear came, and was attacking any persons dog on here they would not just sit by and watch, even though the bear is higher on the food chain. Everything is relative and you can't judge someone for their decisions when there morals might differ from your own. It is ok to disagree quietly, but no need to bash. I am really rambling, sorry, but I hope I got my point across.

I can dig it. I dont see anything wrong about protecting your food pets and family. It sounds as if you only kill for those purposes. I dont hear any note of revenge, or "How dare they! I'll show em...." in your post. It isnt about killing for the sake of Ego.
Whether a Koi qualifies as a pet , suggesting an exchange of affection, or an ornament...or whether a bear is higher than a dog on the food chain are arguable, but screw it. It's way too fine a point and not worth the trouble.

Perhaps Im too subtle of mind, but IMO, having the "one inch away" rule in protecting your veggie garden and blowing away a fish eating coon becaue you can are miles apart. TThat you could have a "one mile" rule or an "anywhere on MY land!" rule but have chosen one inch suggests (well, shouts) that respect for critters and innate compassion reign in your character, which is clearly pretty evolved.

tcbud said:
So...You knew what you were saying when you slurred your neighbors with that "Cracker" comment. And I thot you didnt know. I take back what I said in the PM I sent you and you never replied to. Never did you say a word after I called you a bigot, I guess I know why now, you my not friend are one.

I wonder...what part mof the country fo you live in? Iappreciated your PM more than you know and thought my replies on the board had suffienently explained my position. Im very sorry.

The land here in the Smokies is as beautiful as any land on Earth. You cant swing a dead cat and not hit a stream, spring or lake. Fish and game are abundant and the land is fertile and the summers long.

So it kinda gets your attention after you live here a while that the locals no longer farm their land but prefer wellfare checks and Walmart to growing and canning. Every road, stream and trail are the personal toilets and garbage dumps and to finish off a six pack in your truck and toss the cans out the window is standard. The same cracker I spoke of lives upstream from me and I have seen him dump paint, kerosene and the remains of a one gallon container of Round Up INTO the stream. He has a "right" to do this,you see, because it's "his" stream, at least the part he dumps in is his and where the toxins go or what damage they do are not his problem.

There are no "leash" laws, let alone spay and neuter, so all the dogs produce a couple litters a year and when the puppies are weaned, you drop them off in a carddboard box at the nearest dump. You cant drive to town wiothout passing half a dozen starving dogs on the road.

Are ALL mountain people crackers? No. Only the ones who disrespect their land, their waters and their animals and wildlife.

Now...if despising these ignorant SOB's indicates bigotry, LOL, then indeed I must be a bigot. I have no love and nothing but contempt for them... (reminder: Im not speaking of mountain people--only the despoilers among them) which works out pretty evenly, since Im representative of all they fear and loathe, too. Im one of those obnoxious "city sonsabitches" who is foolish enough to think our waters and land should be kept pristeen and dogs and cats should be spayed. Im just unreasonable, that way. It seems I am a defender not only of animals, but of land and waters, too.

And I have no apologies to make for it.

Regardless...it's been fun and it's been real and thank you all for teaching me SO much about Growing MJ.

It was never my intention to besmirch these halls with my bigotry.... but I didnt know Im a bigot. now that I know, I can sure take it out, and yes, I'll be careful to not let the door slap me in the butt on my way out.

best of luck to all Growers Special thanks to TCBud and Hick.

If you came here to learn about growing why all the stuff on animal rights?
I personally dont get into threads like this often, I was really enjoying the thread, as effin is in the midst of the suburban spral and having critter problems. I do take exception Lass when someone calls people names of a derogotory nature. I take offence. I am mostly here to enjoy the forums and grow my plants.
I am sorry you live in a state that does not take the environment seriously. I pity the dogs you mention. There are no leash laws outside citys or county juristicton here, so....as a neighbor of a dog lover, I put up with their crap. I also put up with tree huggers changing the laws about logging, and children suffer due to less moneys at school that logging brought. I recycle, I stay home unless I absolutely need to go to town, I vote. I try to get along with people Lass, I try to be possitive, I held out an olive branch to you, speaking of letting a door slap me in the ***.... You on the other hand, have been name calling long enough, you got lousy neighbors. Bummer.
Lets get to growing and let this crap go. I am willing. What have you got growin?
peace Lass. This is really a very nice place, give it a real chance.
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