How do you apply the molasses? What ratio to gallon I mean!? Like a tsp. or something? Where can I get the Microherd, hydro shop probably? Sorry about the grilling, I just trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can man!:rofl: Also, I only use 364 watts of CFL to vegetate, I've used MH and didn't much care for it because it presented heat issues for my grow room... I have heard good things about T5's but haven't cared to look into it because CFL's seem to do well for the tight noding... You or anyone else have experience with T5 and CFL? I'd like to know someone's opinion that's used both!

So I'm assuming you didn't top the papaya?You didn't mention it is why I ask... And to answer your question; I'm not sure of the model but it's just an old window unit with the turn dial settings... had a digital ran at one point but had to physically turn it on when the timer clicked over; the old, school is "on" when it's on... The digital can be running when you cut the power, but will not turn back on when the power returns. you can also take the front guard off and use a vent fitting to act as air intake, I have a DIY cage fan attached at the other end inside the tent to assure a nice flow of fresh, cool air; and by having the front guard off, have access to the thermostat which can be moved further from and closer to the unit for frequency control... Be careful though, I accidentally broke the thermostat off of one after about a month of trying to tune it in!