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Yeah I would say indoors I would veg until about 2 ft tall so 18/6 hours and then switch to 12/12 hours. That way even with a sativa you should be good on height. When somebody previously refer to the topping them I can't remember who it was they will look more like this picture. It had more tops to it but I broke a branch off and lost about 6 LOL my bad! 20181125_115009.jpg 20181125_115017.jpg
Quick Question:
I am using 3 and 5 gallons plastic planting pots, but I see a lot of people using grow bags.
Are the grow bags better ventilation for the plants,
or is there any difference between the 2.
the grow bags 'air prune' the roots from what i have read. i start off in plastic but once i can see roots at the bottom or the plants look root bound, i go to 3 gallon felt pots(grow bags). my root ball takes up the entire felt pots by the time i go to flower(usually and hopefully). i think it is a preference thing. plastic pots are easier to train the plants with if you are planning on tying them down for low stress training(LST). i am actually going back to the LST thing this grow. i got away from it and don't recall why but i got better yields using low stress training.
the grow bags 'air prune' the roots from what i have read. i start off in plastic but once i can see roots at the bottom or the plants look root bound, i go to 3 gallon felt pots(grow bags). my root ball takes up the entire felt pots by the time i go to flower(usually and hopefully). i think it is a preference thing. plastic pots are easier to train the plants with if you are planning on tying them down for low stress training(LST). i am actually going back to the LST thing this grow. i got away from it and don't recall why but i got better yields using low stress training.
Okay..I think I will keep the plastic pots because of the LST and thank you
Quick Question:
I never ordered seeds online before is it safe:
Do I use a debit card or buy a prepaid debit card:
Do they ship to all states:
I've never had a problem getting seed delivered Don -- Never used anything special just a debit card -- What U thinking of ordering ? -- I've ordered from Europe and the states !
A lot of companies offer stealth shipping and frequently that will give you a guaranty that they will reship if caught by customs. I have always used the stealth option and have always gotten my seeds. One company in England would not take credit card payment in US dollars. So I changed the payment option to British pounds and was able to use the card. If it is your first time growing, I’d buy feminised seeds so you get female plants. I wasted 2 months on some male plants once. Good luck.
I have been looking at some mix and match seed companies-- Single seed start at about $7 each -- If I got feminized seed the same $100 or so for a pack of seed would get me feminized seed to several varieties ?-- I'm just not so sure I'll get what I order ?
the first time i ordered, i bought feminized seeds for a thai plant. i think i got 5 seeds but the company had a bunch of freebie feminized seeds. i got more freebies than the seeds i ordered and it was all some fun sounding doobage. i don't think a seed company would want to sully their image by sending out phony strains but then again, businesses can be underhanded.
Quick Question:
I never ordered seeds online before is it safe:
Do I use a debit card or buy a prepaid debit card:
Do they ship to all states:

Also I think the security experts recommend against using a debit card for any online purchases. Credit card companies are more inclined to tell you about suspicious transactions. They alert me when I buy seeds from Europe. Or a prepaid debit card protects you too.
Quick Question :

Can you clone auto flower seeds and feminized seeds.
Hey Don -- Here's the problem with cloning autos -- U can take a cutting from an auto plant and it will root but it will also finish at the same time the plant U took it from finishes -- No way to propagate an auto but thru seed !
Everything else is what is call photo period plants or just photos-- That means the plant is controlled by day and night length-- Feminized seed are photo so clone away !
I find a male I want to use to breed I can clone him until I need him too !--
Hey Don -- Here's the problem with cloning autos -- U can take a cutting from an auto plant and it will root but it will also finish at the same time the plant U took it from finishes -- No way to propagate an auto but thru seed !
Everything else is what is call photo period plants or just photos-- That means the plant is controlled by day and night length-- Feminized seed are photo so clone away !
I find a male I want to use to breed I can clone him until I need him too !--

On the male plant when it's in bloom, can you shake the blooms in a zip lock bag and use them to make seeds on the female plant.
I use a paper bag !-- Or just take the male and slap the girl around some with him -- With my little aero plants I can take them out the box and do what I want then put them back -- At one time there was a lot of fine seed passing thru my hands so I started stacking dank breeding my own crosses -- When Texas blow the whistle I got something for they happyass !-- My Indicas are mind mowers and steamrollers !-- I can hold my own !
You might want to consider 24 hour light rather than 18 hour for veg.
Quick Question:
During the first flowering stag I started 12 clones and they are ready to plant.

How long do I keep them on a 18 hour light?

24 hours of light in veg works better IMO. No need for a dark period when vegging. Cannabis doesn't need a dark period. It just promotes stretching .
absolutely not true Hammy, cannabis does use the dark period as part of its growth cycle. because you haven't been able to discern it's growth in the dark you assume it has no effect. Then why does cannabis intake CO2 with the lights on and O2 when the lights are off?

Yes cannabis needs the dark period but it's main porpoise is during flowering. In the vagetative phase the shaded leaves perform the respiration function. When the plant is building bud is when the energy and building blocks formed are used the most.
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