Active Member
I've been doing a bit of reading up on how to make RSO. I even watched the video Rick Simpson did himself!!! Yet there's a really wide discrepancy in the methodology. After the buds have been broken up and enough solvent has been added to cover it, I've heard that you're to only soak it for anywhere as little as 3 minutes and Rick said 15 minutes. That's one issue. Another is what temp the bud and the solution should be at. One person says put both in the freezer for an hour, another says to have at room temp. I even saw one video where they warmed the bud/solution and agitated it using a lab heating plate with a stirrer. Seems everyone knows the "right way", and it's usually different that the last 20 videos you've seen! So I don't have to recreate the wheel, has anyone experimented using different times, temps and such?