Puffmonkeys "new" Industrial Grow Room

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Hi Puff Monkey...

Yup... I think you'd do well to take the pruning snips and lose the growing 'shoots' on the lower 1/2 of your plants. I clear out 6-8" from the soil surface up to where my lowest leaves are and then clear out the side branches from the mainstem up to about half way up the plant. I've found doing this at 2 weeks into 12/12 only slows them down a bit and it can help reduce their 'stretch' a bit by slowing them down too.

Happy Growing!:cool:
howdy folks ! sorry it's been a while but i've been workin' alot to pay for the rest of my growroom..just wanted to drop in and post pics of the improvised SCROG.. these pics are a week or two old but i'll go take new ones tomorrow..;)



as you can see in the first pic, i've cut intake vents at tray level so that the negative pressure turns them into "fans" that blow across the tray and through the plants...the second pic is a little guy i picked up at wormsway..they told me it's the #1 way to keep ALL pest (big and small) out of your garden.


sorry... the intake vents are the black things on the door
Hi PM...

That really looks great. Nice work... VERY clean! :aok: Your ventilation sounds like it's going go work very nice in your room. I'll bet your plants are getting ready to bud SILLY!

Happy Growing!:cool:
Yeah They've Got Pinky Sized Buds On Em Right Now
well i was going to take new pics today but my bones hurt too bad to drive anywhere...sorry guys, maybe tomorrow
man.. every time i visit my first grow thread I get the feeling of greatness..lol.. but really, i can't help but to be filled with joy at my sticky creation..i hope this grow goes as good if not better...i'll be getting the rest of my equipment in a week or two so i'm sure to be ready for next cycle:D i may pull one of the currently growing plants out and discard it to make room for the other four as it has yet to show any bud growth anyway. it is a female but it's not "pulling it's weight" so to say...the plants have again shot skyward and are now aprox 6" away from the light. should i re-scrog ? anywho, i'm going to buy some more red and koolbloom and change out the res.. i'll have more pics in a few hrs.;)

peep 002.JPG

bud good 012-1.JPG
is the first screen in there somewhere?:hubba: . the wench has devoured it.:D ...

i thought you knew you would have to keep weaving her through the screen til the end of stretch? i think you'll herm her if you start stuffing again now...

how many weeks flower are they? is the stretch done?(it looks like it is). the pic looks further than 6 away? whats the top of the colas temp PM?

man, they are putting on the weight now big time.;) :cool: ...

the only suggestion i got left is, put a sheetrock(all purpose) screw in the side of your wall, and gently tie all buds back away(down slightly)from your light. i did this at 5 weeks flower with one monster last year...

how did you like that poem? crazy schnazz, eh?:rofl: ... i was baked. could you tell? lol. lol...get to tying man...Irish...
IRISH said:
is the first screen in there somewhere?:hubba: . the wench has devoured it.:D ...

i thought you knew you would have to keep weaving her through the screen til the end of stretch? i think you'll herm her if you start stuffing again now...

how many weeks flower are they? is the stretch done?(it looks like it is). the pic looks further than 6 away? whats the top of the colas temp PM?


:holysheep: :yeahthat:
i'm starting on my flower room friday !!! gotta buy another ballast,bulb and reflector as well as a 4x8 tray and a 100 gal res...the new setup will sit much lower to the ground giving me the much needed overhead gain. the guys at worms way are hookin' me up with all that for $500. i will finaly have my 2 1000's beaming down on total sticky yay!!!! can't wait to post pics of that setup....after i have all that out of the way, i'll start makin' moms.. i took 5 cuttings from my mazar last night and i can only hope to have them for the next cycle.
well i got it set up and i'm hoping the plants fill out a little more or at leate regain proper form...the guys at wormsway gave me the pump(1050gph),air stones, air pump, 70 gal res and 4x8 tray with fill/drain x2 for $350 !!!!! so here it is...btw, the girls are going through a clearex cycle right now.



i did'nt get the other 1000 yet but i had a 400 layin' around so i'm using it until friday ....the last pic is my bubble cloner set up in my veg room for now. 5 of the clones came from my best BM and the other 5 came from my mazar...a nice start on my next crop.;)



HI Puff Monkey!

WOW... they're really kicking into overdrive! It really looks like you got a great handle on things and really opened up your space and cleared out a lot of the undergrowth... KILLER! You'll be getting a lot more dankalicious budz close to the light and a much more consistently dank yield too!

Good Job & Rock ON!:cool:
thanks for the kind words.. now if i can just hold out until they're ready to be harvested !!!...i'm getting really tired of smoking this compressed crap.i think 7-8 more weeks ..
HI PM...

Checking out yer bubble cloner... you may consider putting 2" holes in the top and using the neoprene collars that they use in EZ Clonerz... The first bubbler I made I used small holes like those and sometimes it was hard to get them out of the holes when they were really rooted nicely. The collars have a slit in them that the clone fits into and they are very easy to remove. I put two more slits in mine with a razor blade so my 5 site cloner made out of a black 2 gal bucket can hold 15 clones and it has a really small footprint in my veg space. You might consider putting black duct tape over the sides and top of your bubbler to keep out light or you could get some algae and funk started down in your root zone too. The see thru sides will really let a lot of light in.

yeah PM^ what he said bout taping that light out. whats a matter with you? you should know better.:hitchair: . lol. lol...

just funning man. that is a sick A set up bro. i am really digging this thread of yours.:cool: ...you'll do very well growing weed. and i ain't just saying this to smooth your ego. you have it going on up in there.:D ;) ...

wish i had any shops here i could go check out the goodies. the nearest is 100 miles. one way.:rolleyes: ...

i've been watching different threads carefully. i'm thinking of trying out a E&F set up. when so many say it's the way, Irish does listen. saving for the set-up now...the bad thing is, i'll have to buy online...that, or a road trip...

what is the black shiny material on the bottom of the middle pic^? is this black plexi-glass? is it the bottom of the table itself?

all is rocking nicely over your way Puff. now go wrap those clones...
IRISH said:
yeah PM^ what he said bout taping that light out. whats a matter with you? you should know better.:hitchair: . lol. lol...

just funning man. that is a sick A set up bro. i am really digging this thread of yours.:cool: ...you'll do very well growing weed. and i ain't just saying this to smooth your ego. you have it going on up in there.:D ;) ...

wish i had any shops here i could go check out the goodies. the nearest is 100 miles. one way.:rolleyes: ...

i've been watching different threads carefully. i'm thinking of trying out a E&F set up. when so many say it's the way, Irish does listen. saving for the set-up now...the bad thing is, i'll have to buy online...that, or a road trip...

what is the black shiny material on the bottom of the middle pic^? is this black plexi-glass? is it the bottom of the table itself?

all is rocking nicely over your way Puff. now go wrap those clones...
check out hydrowholesale.com.. they have lots of products and very fair prices.:)...oh, it's the tray itself with a little water still draining.

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