Pruning Small Growth at Stalk

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2007
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I am taking a lot of dead leaves off my plants due to a watering problem.

I have my grow outside. Since these leaves are dead, I am removing them and noticing a lot of small growth from the main stalk and branches (I am much more up close and personal while carefully taking the dead leaves). These grow sites are never gonna put on noticable bud. Should these be removed? I am not supportive of removing Leaves themselves. Are these small growth areas/sites something that should be removed?

Just wondering.
Once in flower I do not like removing anything unless it is dead.
I will take clones in flower but that is all the cutting I do.
those are the clones! Or can be...those are what I cut and clone from...

Clone em...or just rim em off. those can become problem areas outdoors due to being low to the ground and allowing small pests to hide right up in them.
okay, thanks guys.
I also do not like to remove anything from my girls unless it is shriveled up and dead. The small growth is okay, it is not hitting the dirt, and I am up close to my girls as they are in pots and I inspect them for the Notorious GrassHopper most evenings when here.

Just thot I would ask. Thanks again
I remove them regardless of age on big plants. I don't want to waste my trimming time on nothing buds. I also want max. air flow through the bottom half of my girls.

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