Pranic VS Drug Testing

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I've been smoking Heavily for the last 2 months as you all well know considering i haven't been around much and when i am...I'm too stoned to get on here very often. so here is the deal...

My Job Sucks... and my Employers are a large group of Cock-Sucking Pricks.... and yes thats the truth, It's not a matter of opinion it is the truth. They treat their employees like slaves and expect the world of them, but offer nothing in return except for Bullshit Lies and False Accusations, My employers run their business as if it was a Mexican SweatShop, and they can pay us in Tacos.... So I Put in my 2 weeks notice.

I am now applying for a Government Postal Job, I have my exam registered, and I'd be making $18/hr. plus benifits. It's not the exam i'm worried about, because i'm sure i can pass it with out a problem. It is the fact that I need to be Drug Tested before they will Hire me on for a Position. Now being a heavy smoker, I know my system prolly won't clear out in 2 weeks.. So i need some suggestions on how to cleanse my system. I know they have Kits out there that clean and clense.. and I have niacin, however i know they test for some of the substances in these cleansers.... Also i have no clue what could be in my system since I've been buying my Weed off the streets, and some I know for fact had been laced.... Smoked it anyway I didn't care.

So any suggestions Would be Helpful... If it be your cleansing methods... or A certin kit to buy.... or should i just have someone i know that is clean piss in a cup for me... I don't know... what kind of testing they do.. So anyhelp would be much appricated.
Sounds like a pretty good job. I'd play it safe and use someone elses. Aparently the jello method is pretty good. People say it works if you smoke the day of your test.
Hey, how is your metabolism? The problem is the potency of THC. Anything else will wash out of your system in days. Do every rinse and cleanse you can with complx B vitamins, cranberry juice, drink it religiously, and other dark juices, but cranberry is best. Golden seal, water, flush, flush, flush. Get a stick test and see where you are at. I have seen my friend, who was everyday for over ten years, clean out and get a neg. in less than two weeks. It all depends on your metabolism and completely stop smoking. IMPORTANT: Stop all flushing agents, except water, one or two days before the test...If you are still pulling a pos. at this point, do the sure jel. Bringing in someone else's urine may not make temperature, unless you are absolutely sure it is within range between 90-100 degrees. If that doesn't work you got to have a back up because more than likely they will have you give another sample immediately. Your call, good luck :cool:
If your willing to drop some money i'd suggest getting that wizzintor thing, from what i've heard it works like a charm. plus you never have to worry about passing a drug test in the future cuz you can keep buy the synthetic urine to replace it. but if you dont want to drop the money on that i say do what bemello said and just flush. EXERCISE RELIGIOUSLY!! keep yourself hydrated and just stay away from smoking. other than that, thats all the advice i can lend. check out my post on the sticky : pass a drug test and smoke the day before: (its the last two pages).

peace bros.
word been seeing alot of girls posting lately... why cant i find any down chicks that like to smoke where i

well. i suggest maybe just having a clean friend pee in a condom and know where im going with this. so thats some way of doing it.
if not just abstain and flush your system.
I am now starting to be be randomely drug tested.. but if I light up, then later that day take some aspirin, and cranberry juice, followed by vitamins and water for the next few days.. it'll clean out my system right?
i suggest taking along someone else's pee with you. someone u know is clean. really there isn't much choice otherwise. Not in 2 weeks notice. I mean u can try all the gimmicks but the only garunteed way to pass... substitution man.

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