ppm is nucular physics to me

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information cant hurt no1
May 31, 2008
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Hey all ,just a little backround on my self, got a couple soil grows under my belt was'nt that inpressed with it so went and got a eight tray 40 gal set up. Using rockwool with 1000 metal 4 veg and 1000 hps 4 bloom. I am defently a newbe when it comes to hydro.
So here it go's bag seeds cracked 16 days ago been in the trays 8 days under 1000 metal 3 feet away twenty% nute strength(i know bag seeds what am i thinking)thats all i could get a hold of. Ph has been pretty steady 5.5 to 6.0 heres the problem never used a ppm, 2 days ago i went to up my nutes put 30 gal in my res so it calls for 3o onces of nutes but since there so young i put 10. Yesterday i bought a ppm meter when i tested it went off the chart over 1999 .so i guess my question is even with me putting in 1/3 of what it called for why is it so high. i am really screw cause i never used on before and my local store aint to local 1 1/2 hours away so when i get home theres no instuction so after i figured out how to calabrate it i was sick of the damn thing. My room temp is 69-78 water temp is 70-74 tap water ph is 6.5 ppm 270
if any body has coments or suggestion there apprishated thanks all
hello and welcome to mp ,,,if you post your q in the hydro section you will get answered quicker ,,,i think:giggle: :48:
welcome sleeper, what nutes? my meter came calibrated. PH should be 5.8-6.0 for hydro. 270 ppm for tap:eek: i wouldn't drink that! if it becomes a problem you can dilute tap with R/O water to bring it down. ive found the mix instructions will create a very hot(high ppm) res. for most nutes. it will take a few tries to get res just right...be patient...and remember, with hydro less is more. start very light and make changes very slowly allowing the effects to happen before making more changes. or youll get a problem and not know which of the 6 things you changed caused it. good luck
Dude.. you are reading something wrong

30z of any NUTES is waaaay to much.

Even 10 fluid ounces is way to much even for 30 gallon resevior.

especially concentrated hydro nutes

I guarantee you, you reading something wrong. i bet you are suppose to
be using teaspoons.. not FLUID OUNCES.. big difference in VOLUME.
and buy some bottled water and check the PPM of it.

It should be close to 0 ppm i would assume.

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