Powdery Mildew Discussion

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Is the sulfur burner something that i use only once and works for the entire life of the plant? Im starting seeds indoors next season, around february then they go outdoors in april. I was thinking sulfur burner at 6 weeks indoors?
they say once you get it---you never actually can get rid of it---i have seen peeps wipe down a room with a bleach solution in between runs---this seems to sterilize the room---although many peeps use different products as preventative maintenance---don't think burning sulfur would fall into that category---from what i gather---you burn it when you need it---the dust left behind from the burn changes the ph in the plants leaves from acidic to alkaline---you get it when the ph in the grow medium is acidic and humidity is above 47% (the perfect storm)---just adjusting your soil with lime from the get go should help keep the ph at an acceptable level making the environment uninhabitable for the PM---IMO---if your Ph in your grow medium is truely neutral when you start your seedlings and your room was disinfected before you plant---you got a good chance of not seeing it and a burn is not necessary
The burn will kill mold on the plant and anywhere it is in your room,I had PM bad, 2 burns a week apart ended it for good, now i do one burn at the end of veg as a preventative.
One thing that will help the plant resist PM in the first place is ProTekt from Dyna Gro, especially outdoors.

It is a silica supplement that toughens the 'skin' of the plant, also a nice source of K. It also helps the plant resist insects, drought and heat stress.

Check out the Dyna Gro website for more info and also Jmansweed 'nute study' sticky. That is where I first heard of it.

Very cheap, >$10/qt and since you only use 1/4-1/2 tsp/gallon, a qt last forever. I still have some left after 2 years.

Check it out, it really helps.

Rice hulls? maybe nouvellechef can touch on this...
if you have(and this is a must)a minimum of 30 days left in your grow a systemic treatment is the ONLY cure...everything else will only cure symptoms(the white on leaves)..i use Eagle 20ew as a preplant dip to prevent PM..works great through out entire grow...can also be sprayed on plants in your phase 2ml/gal..being a systemic(curing from within)cure YOU WILL NEED 30 DAYS!!NOT MORE OR LESS for this toxic fungiside to run its course through out the plants and be gone pre flush....just remember ANYTHING ELSE is a cure for symptoms and in the end YOU WILL BE SMOKING MILDEW INFECTED WEED...id run the Eagle 20 now and extend whatever grow time needed to accommodate the 30 days needed to REALLY kill that mildew instead of hide it...good luck

PS..if using this Spot Spray...dont spray entire plant...

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