Powdery Mildew Discussion

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Don't panic it's Organic!
Apr 2, 2006
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I was curious as to what means you use to combat powdery mildew.

I understand that its very hard to kill it completely, and once you see it on the leaves its already permeated the entire plant.

I've been clipping fan leaves and blades, as well as using a mixture of Rain water, Baking soda and a drop or two of mild dish soap to spray them down if it gets bad. Im 6 weeks into flower, probably another month to go.

What means do you use to keep PM in check and not run ramped through the buds?
Maybe this needs to be moved? Smoked a bowl and it made since to me at the time that it be here. My PM problem is outdoors.
A sulphur burner will get rid of it for good, your too late in flower to use one, most sprays cant be used at this stage either, hopefully someone will chime in with somthing that can be used after week 6, but i burn sulphur once at the end of veg and have never seen it again.
Yeh i had heard that sulfur works well into veg. I was also reading into neem oil. There is some information i read about its anti-fungal benefit. Ive heard some using while in flower, and maybe root feeding with it would help now?
SERENADE is what I use. It's OMRI (organic) Once you spray it on,it is made to go and hunt out PM on the plant. If your outside and don't want the dampness on the buds. I also use a little sponge and dab it on by hand. Also put on stems. You'll win.
Do you use this serenade in flower?
drfting07 said:
Yeh i had heard that sulfur works well into veg. I was also reading into neem oil. There is some information i read about its anti-fungal benefit. Ive heard some using while in flower, and maybe root feeding with it would help now?

Do not use neem oil this late into flowering for anything.
Chlorothalonil? Heard it can be used up to a week into harvest. Im not looking for something that i can drench my plant in. I can wipe the leaves down with a sponge and do light misting on fan leaves if need be.
Anyone else have some input? Trying to keep it under control and its nerve racking! :eek: I have a few weeks left. :watchplant:
some friends had some good results od by misting or wiping a 10% solution of vinegar and water---early morning on the leaves where you see the pm only---don't hit the flowers---this will change the ph in the leaves making it uninhabitable---needs time to dry before nightfall---wipe each of them down with their own clean and dry paper towel for each spot so it does not remain wet or you transfer spores to another location or you got a whole new can of worms---nice if you can bring down the humidity level with a cover, a tent, bon fire, heater, dehumidifier, hair dryer, fan, anything to keep it dry---always being careful not to be carrying spores onto another location if you run a fan---hopefully you caught it early enough
Becarful that alot of PM remedies work but only short term, a sulphur burn will fix you up proper, jmo.
Understandable. Im just trying to keep it in check til harvest. Im looking at another two weeks.
drfting07 said:
Understandable. Im just trying to keep it in check til harvest. Im looking at another two weeks.

And I would do the same if I were you, but if you see it again on the next grow, your room is affected, at that point look to a sulphur burner, it can fix your plants and your room.

just somthing to keep in mind for the future.
:confused2:---thought your PM issue was outdoors---if inside and 2 weeks out from harvest---you might consider just wiping the pm leaves with the vinegar solution and plugging in a de-humidifier to bring humidity below 47%---pretty sure that is the magic # for incubation
Well its the outdoor section so my bad, Im a stoner,

I would strongly suggest you not use a sulphur burner outdoors, LOL

ohh man, dman thank you. I thought orangesunshines thought after reading your post before his, then literally as I read your last post replying the 3 hits I just took kicked in from me laughing so damn hard. :D

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