passing a drug test and smoke the day before

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thankx alot paraxite so u prefer sur gel over jello or doesnt really matter to you.. So u passed it i take it which is awesome....

Smoke it and you'll love it
Anyone know about Vitamin C 500 which contain gelatin if that would help anything?? AND IS NIACIN WORK?"????
Uhm well no question is a dumb one they say..

If C would work why wouldnt we just down orange juice. B puts the yellow color in your urine after the surgel teq. makes it clear, you dont necessarily have to but its less suspicious.

Please read the whole topic before posting.
As in gelatin in the vitamin d 500, but yeah what u all think the best time to pee for the actualy test once u drink the mix?
After drinking it wait 2 hours pee once eat somthing drink a 20oz. pee a couple times till its clear, best to cut it off mid-stream when its clear. Do all of this within the 2 hours its better if you just read the whole thing.
Hey guys, I have a drug test tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM EST, it's now 2:09 AM EST. I failed a drug test 2 weeks ago to the day, using one of those detox drinks that are "99% Effective" They are bull, me and my buddy both used them the same day, both failed, both followed directions entirely right. We even had the lady at the store explain it to us.

I have been an extremely heavy smoker, since starting 6 months ago. I smoke 3-4 times a day. I have a very high metabolism (I am 5'7 and just 135 lbs, so I'm a lil guy and I'm 19 years old) I also have not smoked in 13 days. I have a new drug test tomorrow like I stated for a new job, so I will definitely be using Cincy's information as well as everyone else's.

My plan is to drink JELLO mixed with a 20 ounce bottle of water 2 hours before my test (8:30 AM)
I will then eat a McDonald's deluxe breakfast (The one with all that greasy stuff, half of which which is pretty disgusting aka fake scrambled eggs.)
While eating this, I will be drinking a small orange juice from McDonald's.
I will then piss once. Then I will drink another 20 ounce bottle of water 30 minutes prior to going to my drug test.
The drive is 20 minutes long, so this car ride is going to be hell and my bladder might explode but it's a risk I'm willing to take to pass this thing ;-)

I will definitely post results, both of the color of the piss and whether or not I pass. And soofaded, man, I feel bad for you. Although you declaring to quit smoking may be a good thing, if you need your chronic, you need your chronic, just be responsible man. Like I said, I smoke 3-4 times a day and besides my one buddy, not a single person knows I smoke. (Besides you guys now)

So, wish me luck and I will keep you informed, but remember, I'm a little guy so I'm at a huge advantage.
Well, I took my test today after following the exact procedures I explained to you guys above.

Let me first say that when I first started drinking the 3 ounce package of jello mixed with water, I'm like wow, this isn't so bad. But once you get about half way down, the jello mixture gets thicker and thicker and eventually tastes AWFUL. Plus I personally got so full that I felt like I was going to puke at times because it makes the water thicker.

I passed my drug test, got the job, HOWEVER, it was on a cheap test where they tell you the answer instantly. They put a little drip of my piss on this thing that looked like a thermometer, and there was a list of 6 drugs on it with thick red bars beside them. The THC bar was fading in and out, so they said it was weird seeing that, but they still circled negative for me, and I was so thankful. So, basically what I'm saying is that if you are doing this technique, only do it if it's for a drug test used for getting jobs or whatnot. DO NOT try this technique with the lab, because I guarantee it will fail. They were contemplating sending my piss to the lab but the lady thankfully just circled negative.

My piss was a dim dim yellow, it looked clear at first, but once there's a lot you can see slightly enough yellow to make it look believable. To be honest, I thought it looked exactly the color of lemonade (Homemade style).

So, I hope this helps, but like I said, I really wouldn't recommend trying this strategy if going to jail is on the line, because I barely passed I believe and it was with a cheap, cheap test.
Good story, umm.. so dont use this for lab tests i understand and do u know what they do when they bring it to a lab? like how they can test it for this shit, but im just gonna play it safe and wait it out..
CINCY BOY when you say take 2 hours b4 test would 1 1/2 be fine too you would think soo ? thankx
Ive been taking piss test once a month since 2001...Ive tryed everything...NOTHING is 100% fullproof..I JUST got out of jail for failing a piss test...needless to say I learned my lesson and quit untill Im clear. I cant wait to burn again though..Its good medicine...I eat better, sleep better, movies are Ive got to say Ive never smoked a joint and woke up next to a strange slut as with alcohol.., never heard of anyone smoking a joint and beating their wife or kids...herb makes me drive slower....but alcohol is legal and pot isnt? I dont get it.
Someone metioned the "URINATOR" which is an awesome invention...the fake wiener and someone elses piss idea is cool but those things cost like $200
so....heres a cheaper solution.....Buy a large suringe or even better would be one of those suringe type things detists give you to squirt water into your mouth after removing you wisdom teeth... attatch a small hose..such as an oxygen tube to the needle and tape the tube below your "pecker" with medical tape...stash the surringe behind your belt...and when you break it out to give 'em your sample just unzip your jeans and the tube will be can descreatly push down on the hammer and squirt a nice little stream of tee tee into the cup! if your concerned about the temp..just go to wal-mart in the hunting/camping section and get a pack of foot warmers..its a little sack of powder that gets really warm (incase you didnt know)

I never thought this thread would go this crazy follow my directions and dont use jello I dident a friend did if it worked good but use sur gel or something like it and dont use surgel alot it can cause kidney stones :eek: I just found that out not b/c I have them just some reading and extra thought after all theres a million freaking post on this thread

NEway good fucking luck to all trying to past a test
ps everybody is different so dont think this
idea is 100% I dont want a lawsuit ha
Damn Im afraid to pass that on without testing it first. Oh well, thanks a lot for posting that!
I cant wait to burn again though..Its good medicine...I eat better, sleep better, movies are Ive got to say Ive never smoked a joint and woke up next to a strange slut as with alcohol.., never heard of anyone smoking a joint and beating their wife or kids...herb makes me drive slower....but alcohol is legal and pot isnt? I dont get it.

LOL nice talking man...
For Who It May Concern:

I Know That Sur-gel Works!!!!!!!!! :) A Freind Of Mine First Heard Of It From Someone Who Works At The D/t Place. She Called And Asked (believe It Or Not) What Could She Use And He Recommended Sur-gel. At First We Couldn't Find It, So We Got Something Called Emes Kosher-gel. It Is Used For Passover. She Tried It First And Then So Did I. The Shit Works!!!!!!!!!! I Don't Know How Or Why, But It Did. If Anynoe Cares To Know How, I'll Be Glad To Post.

I Have The Chance Of Random Supervised Drug Testing At My Job. I Have To Be Clean Everyday I Go To Work. I Have Been Using Sur-gel Everyday Since I Have Know About It. I Have Not Been Tested On My Job, But I Did An At Home Test To Make Sure That It Worked B/c I Can't Take Chances. I Love My Job, But I Love Maryjane, Too.
your going to have some massive kidney stones man be careful
ok let me no if i got it right..
i read the whole thread and its a bit confusing sooo
1) mix jello/ sur gel with 20oz water
2)eat something greasy
3)drink another 20oz water
4)pee before the test
aw what it doesnt work on lab test? will it atleast dilute it? because i have one comming up tomro and i dont wanna get busted =\ ive been drinkin a grip of water and takin cranberry pills for like 1week or more maybe itll help i hope? wish me luck ima use the surgelmethod too.. anyways i hope it wokrs for a lab test .. or at least dilute it so i can take it again
Ok, I consider myself to have a vast understanding of drug testing knowledge and info. I have spent 2 years studying about the ways of avoidance and remedies to keep/be clean. First i want to destroy the myth about certain procedures that "work" when they dont work at all! For example goldenseal and any herbs out there that you have heard rumors of DO NOT WORK! second, cranberry juice and other juices are a myth too they are just diuretics which make you piss alot. THC is fat soluble which means that THC is stored in your fat. seeing that fat is not water soluble, drinking lots of water doesn nothing but cause unnesissary discomfort. Exersice is the only sure way to get THC out of your system, by exerciseing are burning fat thus excreting the THC into the blood stream which is then filtered out through your urine and fecal matter. LAB TESTS and CHEAP STRIP TESTS ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT! Labs test for a variety of measures when taking a urine sample:
  1. [SIZE=-1][/SIZE][SIZE=-1]
  2. Color
  3. Temperature
  4. Creatinine
  5. pH
  6. Specific gravity[/SIZE]
Drug tests detect drugs as well as metabolites. Metabolites are the byproducts of a substance after it has run through your system. To determine whether you will pass or not, it is important to know how much of the illicit metabolites are in your urine and how much is tested for. The table below will give you an approximation; however, it varies depending on a number of factors.
The halflife of THC concentration ranges between 0.8 to 9.8 days. There is too much human variation to even approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual. Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection time. Frequent users with a slow metabolism will have long detection times. The only way to estimate a detection time is to consider the lower and upper bounds (3-30 days), and decide based on the factors I've mentioned.

Drug Approximate Detection Time in Urine using EMIT:

Cannabinoids 3-30 days (habitual use 30 to 90 days)
Cocaine 2-4 days
Opiates 2-4 days

Try to call in sick on test day to delay one more day if possible; it will help. Other factors determining degree of intoxication include metabolism, tolerance, frequency of intake, fluid intake, amount of marijuana, potency of marijuana, and length of time you've been a user. If you use marijuana on rare occasions, your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week. There is a common and strange phenomena that occurs with chronic users. You would expect a chronic user to have the longest detection time and the smallest chance of passing. This is not always the case. A chronic user with a high tolerance will eliminate drugs quicker than an occasional user. Chronic users have tested negative after a week long binge. Lipid tissue also makes a huge difference. Skinny users not only have a faster metabolism (usually), but also lack storage for THC metabolites. Fat will cause a lag in excretion pattern, and lead to a longer detection time. An individuals detection time for THC is so unpredictable. Please don't post or e-mail a question "how long will it take..."

Cocaine 150 / 150
Marijuana 50/15
Opiates 300
All cutoff levels are in nanograms/mL

Passive smoke and positives: "Can Second hand marijuana smoke in a car can cause you to fail the next day?". It is possible that second hand [marijuana] smoke will raise someone to the 50 ng/mL level; however, *extreme* exposure is required.

Decreasing detection times: Increasing metabolism is probably the most effective way to decrease the time period that drugs can be detected in your system. Physical activity can increase your metabolic rate as much as two thousand percent! Nothing beats proper training taken to an extreme. A high calorie diet is the next best way to increase metabolism. Consuming mass quantities of high calorie food will increase metabolic rate by up to 10 percent. On the contrary, a malnutritious (light) diet could lower your metabolism by 10 percent. So exercise with intensity, and eat big.

Labs often do tests to find out if the sample is legitimate.

Color: If a urine sample looks clear, the lab will suspect that it's watered down. They can't report it as positive, but they may reject the sample and inform your employer that you tried to beat the test. If this happens, the sample might as well be positive, because you won't get hired. Take vitamin B complex to color your urine yellow.

Temperature: Urine should be between 91 and 97 degrees. NIDA certified labs will verify temperature. If it isn't, they will suspect you added water to the cup, or used substitution. Disposable pocket hand warmers (sold in department stores) will keep a urine sample warm, provided that the urine is in a condom or douche bag.

Creatinine: Creatinine is a substance produced by vertebrates, and it shows up in urine. Creatinine levels drop below normal when people dilute their urine. This tests to ensure that the subject didn't drink unusual amounts of water. An *accurate* creatinine "clearance" test would require a urine and blood test 24 hours before the drug test to determine the normal creatinine level for that individual. This is almost never done. You should still be cautious because they do often use the inaccurate method of comparing your creatinine level during the drug test to an average.

pH: pH is often changed when people spike their sample with household products. Use caution when doping urine, pH is usually tested.

Specific gravity: An unusual specific gravity indicates that a sample has been tampered with.


Fiber: A high fiber diet will help by redirecting fat soluble metabolites to the colon rather than bladder. "THC is eliminated primarily in the stool via bile acids. Both EMIT and RIA detect a secondary metabolite which is reabsorbed from the intestines. Thus a person with a high fiber diet will excrete a majority of THC [metabolites] in the stool."

How to give a clean sample: Don't give urine from your first urination of the day. It's the dirtiest, and can be heavily filled with metabolites. Urinate a couple of times before giving a test sample. Also, don't give the beginning or end of the stream. Piss in the toilet, then quickly stop and go in the cup. Stop, and shift back to the toilet for the last portion. Only give a midstream sample. Just be sure to give 60 cc's.

Exercise: Athletes have a big advantage over normal civilians. When fat is burned, THC byproducts are released into the blood. This is the only way to get THC metabolites out of lipid tissue. "Normal living will burn them slowly, as your fat reserves get turned over" . Due to an athletes high metabolic rate, THC moves through an athletes system significantly faster. Exercising between drug tests will clean THC metabolites from the system at a faster rate, thus lowering the detection period. It is important to stop burning fat cells near test time. On test day, it doesn't matter what's in your lipid tissue. What's in your blood and urine does matter. Exercise increases the amount of THC metabolites in the urine; so quit exercising a week before the test. Be lazy, and eat big. This will put the body in an anabolic fat-storing stage. At this point, the "buried" THC metabolites won't escape and go the the urine. There are drugs that will increase metabolism the way exercise does, but these are the same drugs that they are usually testing for. Exercise should only be considered when the subject knows that he or she will not be given a pop quiz in the near future.


Smoof_ One


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