just dont get a PO, problem solved
but this is not the intentions. or technically your not flushing so the term flushing i would say is incorrect technically. only with the detox drinks etc its more that the process in lamens terms i guess is to shut down the process in which your body burn off reserved energy stored in your body ie within ya fat cells hence the by product would be secreted in with ya urin and saliva etc... hence pissing dirty. and if done right that is exactly wat those detox drinks intentions are. "BUT ONLY IF TAKEN PRECISELY TO DIRECTIONS" keepin in mind havin an empty stomach prior to consumin teh detox drink .THC is not water soluble so drinking fluids and taking detox to pass a test will make no difference in regards to cleaning out your system. Yes diluting your sample can help you pass a test if the drug test agency will accept it.