Welllll,I'm bummed to not see any of Pdude's paintings here anymore. Especially since I had a computer crash a week ago, and had to buy a new computer and lost everything. Back up? Yeah, I did that about 3 years ago...ROFL!
I should post a picture of my visiting friend's facial artwork. Yesterday, instead of coming down my wheelchair lift the regular way---she decided to take a flying leap with her chair and bypass the ramp.
The chair ended up on top of her, and whoa boy, was there a lot of blood making some very interesting patterns on the road. Scared the beejeezus out of me, but fortunately after spending the night in the Trauma unit with her, she's doing great. No broken bones, but a lot of really purty black and blue spots that I think look like some wonderful examples of abstract art on her body.
And you know what she's ticked about today? Not that she can't move without hurting, but that she has to take dilauded for the pain because she can't inhale and smoke my choice of pain killer. Oh, that and that she didn't get a chance to vote for BPOM (she's a member here too).
This is my crazy gf from high school who once dragged me into a shoe store with me (I have no legs, but most everyone knows that) and asked the salesman where they kept the "Stumpies." Guy asks, "Stumpies?" and she says, "Yeah, you know---like regular shoes, only they are round and fit on the ends of stumps. We're looking for patent leather ones. So where do you keep 'em?"
This is the end of week one of her two-week visit. With any luck, she will survive to go home to Michigan!
And that's where I've been, P'Dude! And....if you feel generous, I hope you will email me some artwork for my new screensaver! I'm missing your paintings.